OT: Good news for a change | Arthritis Information


Well for once I have some good news to report!!  YAY   So I applied to get on medicaide about a month or 2 ago.  Well I didnt get on Medicaide but I got on a program called Healthy Woman, which only covers GYN visits that sort of stuff, BUT Kelsay is covered which is good!!!  I cant complain to much, Id rather have her covered then me anyways.  BUT the fun news i get to report to yall is today my husband and I become foster parents.  HEHEH its not a baby its a puppy!!!!!  Its my little brothers dog but him and my mom have to move in with my grandparents temporarily and my granfather has 2 VERY teritorial cats and well it will be a lot less stressfull if the dog isnt there cause he will terrorize them and my grandfather will not be a happy camper.  So Jessie will be living with us for a while.  It'll be good though cause it'll force me to get out and walk more.  Since I dont have a car anymore (we had to sell it last week) and my husband has been working overnights cause they are stripping then putting up new wallpaper in conference rooms at a resort/hotel and they can only do it when nobody is using them, so i have barely seen him...so Ive walked to the grocery store twice this week for little stuff that I have needed.  Its .52 miles each way.  I walked yesterday but it was a BAD idea...It was 92 and i dont even want to know what it was after the heat index...So i was completly out of it when i came home.  Im sure it didnt help any that the night before i had only slept an hour.  But I wasnt sore from it which was surprising.  Well l think thats all of my rambeling...
What is on everyones agenda for the weekend???  My dad is taking Kelsay tomorrow afternoon to spend the night and to meet his new girlfriend LOL ...Its so funny saying my dad has a girlfriend.. And today my hubby is helping my mom move and bring some stuff over to my house so my house looks cute.  I'll haver my dad bring his camera when he gets Kelsay and take a picture of it.  I cant wait till its all done.

Walking will also be good for you.  Just don't over do it in the heat.  Exercise actually lubricates the joints, and can really help if you don't do it to the point of pain.  Have you got one of those shopping carts with 2 wheels for your groceries?  The don't cost very much at all, and can really save your back!

I hope things get better for everyone.  It sounds like you have a great family and with lots of love you can get through the hard times.  Which it sounds like you are doing beautifully!

And hey, you have a free night - what are you going to do with yourself?  How about a little pampering?

Sounds like you have great news to report! What is your dog's name? They are wonderful to have in the house (I have 3) and they really do know if you are in pain. Mine will curl up with me and stay by my side if I get up and walk around.

If hubby is working nights right now, a dog will give you a little feeling of security. At night mine have a very distinctive (scary to me even) growl if they here a noise outside. I always try to get up and look out our front and back windows with them and tell them good doggie! cuz they are doing their job. If someone comes to the door I am not expecting, they bark their heads off and I say "who is it, who is it" to get them riled up. I want people to think twice before scoping our house to break into, etc. We live in a good neighborhood, but still...

I'm glad Kelsay is covered for medical care, you must be relieved. 

I cant wait to see a picture!

The dogs name is Jessie...She's a little terrior mix but barks at almost everything.  She barks and growls at flies and my moms coffee maker...and she also thinks shes a cat at times.  Shes such a cute little dog.  Hillhoney--I think i may look into one of those rolling carts.  Great news!!!  Woooohoooo!!!!  Karen...excellent suggestion!  You will love having a dog around the house.  Pamper yourself on your free night!!!
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