questions about RA and Pregnancy | Arthritis Information


I have been diagnosed with severe rheumatoid arthiritis about two years ago. My husband and I are trying to have a baby and I am really nervous and scared because I will have to get off all of my meds. I was also told that my Ra would get better during pregnancy but not until my second trimester. I really want to have a child, but I still have many flare ups with all of the medications that I am on. When I have tried to stop my medications before, it almost comes to kill me the pain is so intense. I was just wondering if there are women out there who could possibly share there experiences with my as for as how there pregnany was with RA. I know ever person is differant and I might not have the same reaction. I just need to know what I might be getting myself into. Maybe if it will be a rough road, maybe adoption is a better choice for me. I just know how dependent I am on my medication, like Enbrel and Plaquenil. Please if anyone could share with me it would be great. Also has anyone noticed that around ovulation time that everything flares up as well. I had been on Depo Provera for 7 years, so was unaware of how it would be around that time. I have been ovulating and my gosh my whole body throbbed with pain. Just having  a major flare up and It made me think can I do this. Thanks to anyone who can help.


Welcome to the board Tasha!

Yes, I notice I get achy and have more pains then normal with it is that time of the month. It is kinda like a minnie flare, to me anyways.

I knew when I was pregnant for my second pregnancy, because I did not need to take my meds as much and that was when I was 7 weeks. My first pregnancy I was what is kinda referred to as "teenage remission". But my second pregnancy I got pregnant so my arthritis would go it did almost all gone. I had to take prednisone which I asked to take thru out my pregnancy so I would not have morning stiffness, but a low dose of 5mg. I was actually able to do things I had not been able to do. Like walk for long periods of time and move body parts that were stiff almost all the time. It was nice while it

If you have anymore questions just ask. I will try to answer them.

I gave birth to my son Oct '04.



Wow jooniper! Getting pregnant has got to be the most severe form of medication I have ever heard of

Tasha, my auntie has severe RA and when she got pregnant for the fourth time she had a lot of problems, but that was due to the amount of weight she put on.  With her other three she was fine and only put on the usual weight you would expect.  So I guess if you take care of yourself during the pregnancy there is no reason it should be unbarable.  I don't have kids myself though so I can't speak from experience. 

Good luck!


Welcome Tasha.


Yeah I know nikihh! It was great, until my belly got bigger, then I had to start asking for help again.

But I was kinda disappointed that I did have to take prednisone. But I only opted to take pred because I knew if I did not do something about my morning stiffness, I would just lay in the bed all day and gain un-needed weight. Without something like the pred to keep me active, I was afraid I would be 200lbs before I had him, that was my fear before I opted for pred. I only gained a total of 14lbs thru out my pregnancy and ate like a pig..oink

It was a nightmare for I was up every morning after he took daughter to school and I wanted to go was my exercise to go shopping or walk around Wal-Mart's & Target's up to 60 miles away. He always liked to come back home from taking daughter to school and go back to sleep, but he did not get to do that for like 6 months


Hi Tasha,

Your situation sounds really similar to mine. I've had RA for a little over a year now and am currently trying to conceive (this is my first month trying). For the past year, I've been taking Plaquenil (400mg/day), Enbrel, Prednisone (6mg/day) and Ibuprofen occasionally. Right now I'm only on 6mg of prednisone daily and so far I'm doing fine. I expected to have a huge flare, but it hasn't happened yet. But it could be that the drugs really haven't worn off fully. I stopped taking Ibuprofen over a month ago and took my last dose of all the other medications (except pred) on July 25th. 

It was totally scary to quit all the medications.  I'm actually trying to conceive now with the expectation that I won't be as functional without my medications and that there will be pain. But I endured a hellish summer last year waiting to get diagnosed. I decided that it's worth it for me to go through that again if it means having a child, even though sometimes just thinking of being in that much pain again makes me cry. And at least this time I'll have the pred instead of just being on nothing.

If it's any consolation, my rheumy is convinced that I'll have a wonderful remission during my pregnancy and that all will be fine. I try to believe that.

I don't post here that often, but I'll watch this topic for replies. It would be nice to keep in touch with you about how things are going.

