Meds and Esophageal Spasms | Arthritis Information


I think that I am having esophageal spasms due to the meds being hard on my stomach.  I take 300 mg of Zantac twice a day everyday but lately it is getting worse.  Some of the symptoms mimic a heart attack so I went to my doctor and everything with my heart and lungs checked out fine.  Has anyone else had these type of problems?  Chest and back pain that radiates to the shoulders, neck and arms.  I am on mtx, arava, mobic, predisone and remicade.  I have been through Humira, Orencia and Retuxin with no benefit.  The meds work for about two weeks and then they stop.  I really enjoy reading about everyone and I get a lot of help form your advice.  I have had ra for one year now and it helps when I find out that I am not crazy and that someone else has the same problems and even better someone has a solution.  Thanks ltabor - esophaegeal problems is a symptom of RA.  I have had almost exactly the same symptoms as you, usually culiminating with crushing chest pain and a trip to the ER before I was diagnosed because I thought I was having a heart attack.  They would run all the tests you mentioned, and everything is always "normal".  Post-diagnosis, my rheumy said its probably inflammation (for me from my combo RA/lupus) of the body cavity.  There is actually a medical term for it.  The lining of your body cavity inflames, and the pain is excruciating and there is nothing you can do but take pain pills and ride it out.  The rheumy said its just one manifestation of the disease process, and there isn't anyway to stop it or cure it.  I sound like the Harbinger of Death, sorry, but that's the medical advice I have been given.  Pre-diagnosis the nurse in the ER patted my hand and said I needed to handle my stress better.  The ER doctor accused me of making up the episode to cage for narcotics.  So no, you are not crazy, and if you don't have a script for breakthough pain like this to have on hand, I sure would get one.  Take care and good luck.  Cathy justsaynoemore39299.5423611111

I tried Zantac in the past without any relief for my acid reflux. My chest felt like it was going to rupture some days. My GP had perscribed Protix twice a day before I saw the gastro doc for upper and lower GI's, followed by lets just say an INVASION of privacy scope.

The protonix has kept it in check pretty well for the last year. There are still a few foods that cause an attack. Have you seen a gastroenterologist (sp?) if not I would co that.


We must have posted about the same time. I am still surprised by how our medical community likes to prejudge just because they are not sure what is going on with us. (You were probably stessed because you didn't have any narcotics. Ha Ha )

Jay - yep, that's me, pretending to have a serious, life threatening disease to cage for drugs.  LOLltabor - I've been on Nexium for the same problem for over a year. Recently, my GI doc added Reglan to the mix. I now take the Nexium in the morning, Reglan before dinner, and another Reglan before bed. It seems to be doing the job.

My husband who does not have RA had an esophageal spasm in the middle of the night.  I took him to the ER and after some tests, they sent him home with instructions for GERD.  He has never had gerd symptoms.  I insisted he follow up with my GI who ordered an endoscopy.  My husband was found to have barrett's esophagus--a serious condition that can lead to cancer if untreated.  He has to take aciphex twice a day forever and get rechecked yearly. The dr. said over the counter acid reducers are not strong enough and can mask symptoms while damage is still happening.

Good info Jodi_Girl. I had forgotten about the barrets.

does anyone have sever pain when swallowing food? lately once in a while after i wake up and swallow pop(fluid) it hurts in my chest so bad. like it is having a hard time going down. could that be a spasm? or due to inflamed esophagus?


Mine is more of an irritation or burning feeling in my chest behind my breastbone. But not when I drink.  Happens more often when I bend over.Kel - that also could be a symptom of Barrett's esophagus. If you've not already had a GI consult, it probably wouldn't be a bad idea.