new and have some ? | Arthritis Information


  Hi, my family Dr ran all my blood tests at my check up, I have thyroid problems, so he routinely runs blood tests to check my thyroid and to check for RA. Also my right ankle has been swollen for going on 8 weeks now. Can't find out why.  Some tests came back positive for RA this year. He has made an appointment for me with a Rheumatologist on August 16.    The tests that came back positive were my RF (20.0, Dr said that they like to see this stay under 20 and mine is 20), my ANA (135) and my SSA.

   My questions are, what do this numbers mean? I've looked everywhere on the internet, and can't seem to find an answer. Dr called me on the phone to let me know that I had tested positive and that he had made an appointment with the Rhematologist, no chance to talk to him about any of this yet. He said he wanted me to see the specialist first. What are some questions I should ask the Rhematologist? I'm feeling a little scared. I have no idea what to ask the Rhematologist when I go to see him. Any help would be so appreciated.

                                            Thanks, Lori         &n bsp;    

None of those numbers are really bad. Give a try really good explainations.

Before you go off the edge thinking about RA a rhuematologist is a great place to take a swollen ankle that was not injuried for treatment.

Don't panic.  Having recently been where you are right now, I've learned that a positive RF from one doctor doesn't necessarily mean you have RA.  No doubt the RA Dr. will do more difinitive tests to see if anything else RA-like is going on.  Be prepared to give him/her a thorough medical history and tell the Dr. everything you're taking as far as meds go, including over-the-counter drugs. 

If the worst happens and you do have an autoimmune disease, take comfort in knowing that you live in a time when there are many good drugs to help you and the best part is, you get to talk to all your new "board buddies" here as much as you want and can ask any old question that pops into your head. Good luck.


   Thank you Marian for the website. My Husband and I have been checking it out.  And thanks Jesse88 for the kind words and advice. I have been in a fog since my Drs office called. 



You have to make a list of what YOU want to know about this disease.  Also make a list of all of the joints that hurt and when they hurt the most.  Start tracking your pain levels everyday.  I still do that for my RD, and then he can adjust any meds he needs to. 

Tell him where you want to be in six months, five years, and how you want to feel then.  Remember the doctor can't treat someone that they do not know, and will not communicate with them.  If you open with good communication and keep him/her completely informed then when you need something changed he will know you are serious. 

I think we sometime think RD's are mind readers, and knowing that most are men...they are not. 

Great advice from Shelly and she is sick today, lol.

The fog is shock. It is such a shock when you get news like that. Just try and take it all one step at a time rather than all at once and you will know much more on the 16th. Meanwhile prepare as Shelly suggested which will help you feel better.


   Thank you Shelly41 & Cordelia. I just haven't been able to think straight. Shelly41, I'm going to make sure I write down the things you said and take them with me on the 16th. When I was diagnosed with Graves 24 years ago, my head was swimming. I just sat there stairing at the poor Dr. It wasn't until I left his office, and was home a day or more that the questions starting coming to mind. I sorta feel like that now. I so appreciate everyone being so kind and answering my questions. You made me feel better.       C ordelia, I think you're right I'm kinda in shock. My Dr has been testing me for RA along with my blood work for my now hypothyroid for quite some time. Every year it was fine. So I was totally taken aback when his office called and told me that some of my tests came back positive, and they had already called a Rhumatologist for me to go see. When I told him about my ankle at that appointment, he told me that he would get me an air cast. Then when I came back, which would be in a month from that appointment, if it wasn't better he would send me to a Orthopedic surgeon. When his office called they told me to show my ankle to the Rhumatologist.

                     Thanks everyone,












Also, take note as to whether or not you are stiff when you get up out of bed and for how long.  I wasn't prepared for that question from my RA and I had made a nice list of every ache and pain I had and what type of pain it was.  Also, if you sit or stand for long periods, how do you feel after you sit down or stand up?  How exhausted do you get through the day?  How is your balance?  Anything and everything you can think of right now as you wait for the day to come and keeping a diary of your day if you can will help.  Good luck and we are all here with you! 

Those are great questions too.  I have still to address the fatigue level and standing and sitting.  I figure it is time to do this again.  Also, if your hubby is ready to go than take him with you.  He needs to hear some of these answers.  My hubby has just gotten his head around the dx now, and will be joining me this time.  I am glad, because he needs to hear some of the discussion.  I am also working through getting xrays on file. I have my hands and MRI's on both knees before surgery, last month was my lower back, and this month is my ankles. 


   Hi Arlettaa, I am stiff in the morning. But it doesn't seem to last that long. Maybe 15 - 20  minutes. My hands and feet seem to bother me all day. Both my middle fingers are so stiff. Also both of my thumbs. The knuckle on my left thumb aches all day long, and seems to me is swollen. I do have carpal tunnel. I had surgery last year on my left hand. I'm going today to see the Dr about my right. I'm going to take the results of my RA test when I go this morning. I'm going to ask him if the swelling in my right hand is due to the carpal tunnel or not.   My feet ache. Especially my heels. My youngest daughter and I went to the dog show this last Saturday. We walked around for awhile. Went and sat down in the food tent. When I went to stand up I was so stiff and my heels hurt so bad I didn't know if I could walk on them. When we got home I was so tired I just sat and cryed. We have gone every year to the dog show. I don't remember ever feeling so exhausted.    Shelly41, Hubby did say he wanted to go to the visit with me. But that was after he talked to someone at work about the Dr saying I might have RA. He came home from work and said he thought maybe he should go with me.     Thanks to everyone for all the wonderful advice and all the kind words. I feel so much better. I started my list to take to the Dr. I've written down all the meds and vitamins I take. I think my fog might be lifting. I don't think I will be quite as scared now when its time to go to the Rhumotologist.

                          Thank you all so much,  Lori

this is a great article about your first visit to a rheumatologist

    Thanks buckeye for the link to the website.... I went for my appointment to the Dr for my Carpal Tunnel. I thought for sure that the slight swelling in my right wrist was because my carpal tunnel in that hand and it had gotten worse. But he said no it wasn't. Said my right wrist hadn't gotten any worse, so no need for the surgery yet. I do have two trigger fingers on that hand. He told me to go see the rhumatologist first. See what he had to say. Then I could make another appointment and he would do surgery for the trigger fingers if need be.