Blood work & appt | Arthritis Information


I went in today to get my blood work done that my GP's office called me to go get done last week.

I had to get a CBC? Not sure what that is.

The jabbing went fairly well. she did not take much blood or stick the needle that far into my arm... so probably will not have a bruise this time around. The last time I got a bruise and it took almost 3 weeks for it to go away completely.

I have an appt with my GP tomorrow... I scheduled it when I was there for my first appt. I did not know it was tomorrow. I had lost my little card it was wrote on, so I asked while I was in there picked up lab paperwork. SHe told me the 7th @ 11am. I was like wow I would not have remembered that and would have missed my appt.

I wonder if he will have the results of my blood work from today, when I go back tomorrow?


He should. You might ask him to explain, especially if something is off a bit.  

I believe a CBC is a complete blood panel of everything. Hopefully most of your results will be ready. It depends on if they have a lab there or send it out.

let us know what he says!

They have a lab there. It was at the hospital.

My platelets seem to be high when they done my first blood work.

I hope they are normal now, but by the way I am feeling of lately I am sure they are not back to normal. I just feel so drained and lightheaded and just not feeling well overall.

Yesterday, I slept until 7pm and I had went to sleep the night before around 2am. I would have slept past 7pm if my niece was not here and me being hungry.

I am soooo tired right now, I just feel like if I went to sleep I would feel better, but I know I won't. I mean yesterday I got 14 hours of sleep and still felt crappy and tired.

yup...CBC= complete blood count. Its a very common blood test that virtually everyone gets for a routine physical.

Here ya go!!
joonie - if your doctor doesn't have the results tomorrow, have him call the hospital lab where it was done. A CBC doesn't take long to process (about an hour) so they should already have the results and should be able to fax them to him while you are in his office.

Thanks for what exactly a CBC is... I later looked it up after I posted. But thank you for the info and link.

I guess... I am going to go to the doctor and be a complainer tomorrow. Maybe what has been bothering me might help to figure out why my platelets were high.

I have been having a lot of weird pains in my upper right side, like where my liver is suppose to be. A lot of pains in the bladder area again, but I do not think it is my bladder this time. It was more off to my left side like where my ovary is, but I gave that description to my gyno one time before, and they said I had a bladder infection.

Who knows... maybe he will.
