Humira 6 months | Arthritis Information


Hi, I have had psorisis for the last 20 years or so. Tried it all seems like.I started taking Humira in February after a visit to a Rhumitoligist after having unexplainable lower back pain every morning.He said I had the beginnning stages of PA and that by taking the Humira it would Possibly clear my severe plauqe psorisis.As far as my skin its about a 90% improvement to the point I can wear shorts everyday without any fear.I am gratefull to Humira for my life back.I am however concerned about the longterm injections that i give myself every two weeks.By the way my back feels better as well.The Humira combined with a new Temper Pedic and some Aleve I am Pretty good.Just wanted to share my experiance and hope Humira helps others as it did me.P.S. I am 40 Yrs Old and have suffered to long in my twenties and thirties and know I want to live my life the way I had twenty years ago.(not exactly but close)



Thanks Shelly41, I have taken about 14 doses to date and I will keep this forum posted. I am thankful for my insurance company that picks up the 00.00 per month  ,000.00 per year cost of Humira.



Yes!  I am blessed my hubby served 21 yrs in the Military and I order it through the pharmacy here and it is free for now!!  That is something to really be thankful for. 