I blogged this... | Arthritis Information


And thought I would share. It made me chuckle after I read it. I wasn't really thinking, just sort of spitting out how I felt. And yes, it IS RA related. LOL

Demon Possession

There's a little demon that lives inside my arm. He kicks my nerves and chisels away at my bones. He bites my tendons and pours salt on the wounds. He's a nasty little bugger. He's got friends too. They live in other parts of me. My hands, my shoulder, my hips, my knees........all over, really. But this one in my arm, my left arm, he's feisty. I don't know what got him so riled up, but he's really hell bent on destroying my arm. I think it makes him mad that I don't let him stop me. I still use my arm. When I do, I can feel him hanging onto my muscles for dear life. That kinda makes me chuckle.....

I think I'll name him Simon......

C'mon Simon, it's time for bed. I don't really care how much energy you have left tonight, I'm still in control of this carnival ride.

Hey Katie, I totally relate to that. This Ra's nowt to do with me, it's your Simons UK cousin, the spiteful Shystermeister. He waits until negative outside forces calm down when I'm due a bit of quality time. I think he works alone, he'll party in a shoulder for a few days then suddenly rember that I have a knee that needs 'livening up'.

He huffed and puffed in my right hand a couple of weeks ago but outside forces were far more pressing for me. So although he managed to blow the space between two knuckes up the pain receptors were blocked.


Hey Katie, and Tinker, you're both so clever -  so clever I can't match that creativity, but just wanted to say that another of Simon's relatives emigrated to New Zealand!!  I think this one here is a spiteful female, and dammit, not very old and strong yet, although I think she's coming into puberty!!  She certainly didn't hibernate for the winter.


How wittty you all are
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