My pain meds seem to be working | Arthritis Information


After a long weekend of suffering, the change to (2) oxycodones every 4 hours is helping my pain. It takes 30 min. to kick in and I am finding the bad pain creeping back after about 3 1/2 hrs, so I am getting about 3 hrs. of relief. The highs and lows of my pain levels is frightening because they are so close together and constant. It would makes sense for my pain dr. to change my med to a longer acting one, but I guess I will find out at my next appt.

Well, three hours is three hours.  That's better than none.  I'm glad you've gotten some relief.  Bet you're gladder though!! 

Good luck.

I am taking (2) 5mg oxycodonesWell, thats a good sign.  I think you mentioned you were only on the 5mg?  Oxy does come in an immediate release or IR and an sustained release.  I am on 40mg sustained release every 12 hours with the 5mg IR for breakthrough pain.  I would think he would move you to a little higher dose and the sustained release if you are not on that already.  Are they still making you wait until the 21st to see them??
Aw, Deb, I am so glad something is working and has given you some relief. Hang in there.  Hi, good for you. Oxycodone helped me a lot after my heart operation/couldn't get on the RA meds right away. It was the only drug that helped. Lynda