Here I go again... DAMNIT!! | Arthritis Information


blood tests 2 days in a row... another bladder infection... and more meds.

So, I go to my GP for my appt. They did not have my lab results from yesterday, so she said she would call me if they were elevated still. But she thinks they are elevated from my inflammation, and later throughout the appt she said it was probably from my bladder infection.

So, I turn on my complinaing mode and start complaining.

So, I tell her about my lightheadedness, my pain in my right side and that pain I woke up with a couple of days back, and how I have been just so tired and those couple of days I was sooo tired I could not hold my eyes open, and how I slept for 14 hours sunday.

She asked if I thought I might be depressed. I told her I did not think so. I just felt unwell, tired, and just all over yucky. She also asked if I might have been preggo.

So, she has me pee in a cup. SHe comes back and tells me I have blood in my urine and that I have yet ANOTHER bladder infection!!!

I told her well then that is 5 since october. SHe said well maybe we need to send you to a urologist, I told I was already sent to one and he said I had overactive bladder. She said if it was overactive bladder than I would not have that many bladder infections.

So she pressed on my adbomen and my bladder area and of course it was sore and hurt when she pressed down. So she says I might have Interstitial Cystitis, and RXed me Elmiron. And she said she will get my pee cultured and see which bacteria I have and will RX me antiboitics for that bacteria, when she gets the results back.

Then another vial of blood to see why I am so fatigued. She thinks it might be from my JRA, but I am not sure. I have never had sleepiness like this... the cannot keep my eyes open kind of sleepiness. I know my JRA sleepiness, it is the feel tired all the time, or like I could go to sleep, but this is not that.

Anyways... my poor 'ittle arm is going to die if I have to go back tomorrow for more blood tests. They are draining me of my much needed and well liked blood.

And just think! I get to probably get more blood drawen on the 21st for my new RD. Oh Joy... NOT!

** Edited because apparently I do not know how to spell "damnit".on my prayer list

Thank you rose

