Back pain with RA | Arthritis Information


Hi all,

I just have a quick question about back pain. All the research I've read has said that spine or lower back pain is usually associated with ankylosing spondylitis instead of RA.

Most of the joint tenderness I've had for the past 3 weeks has been my fingers, wrists, KNEES (warrants caps, LOL), and--less painfully-- in my elbows, ankles, and feet. But in the past few days, my back has begun to hurt, too. I'm thinking this may be a result of travel (we were in the car 6 hours each way for vacation--talk about stiff!) and just walking a bit differently from the pain in my knees.

Any others of you with RA experience back or spinal pain, or should I be prepared that this might be ankylosing spondylitis?

As always, thanks in advance--



(Edited to curb my rambling a bitI have always had back pain with the RA, right this moment, in fact 

Cordelia, thanks--and, yes, I'd love to hear of others' tales of back woe, too, if you are willing!   

Since I've not officially been diagnosed with anything yet (I've only had a visit to the GP with normal blood work and now a referral to an RD at my request), I've resorted to diagnosing myself until my RD appointment on September 5th.

And we all know how calming self-diagnosis from the internet can be...


Yeah, probably not a good idea to self-dx. Does tend to make one anxious 

Hi Christina,

I have lower back pain in the SI joints.  I also have it in my fingers, wrists, knees, ankles and feet.  My rheumy has not ruled out Psoriatic Arthritis which is a Spondylitis due to having many relatives with it.  My blood work is also all negative and has been for over 2 years but x-rays show RA damage.

Take care

Hi Christina. I have had back pain for at least 35 years, well before I was ever diagnosed with RA. I've read that RA is rarely in the lower back. If, at all, it will be high c-spine.

I also have OA, which I've had for many years. Plus scoliosis, which has gotten much worse as I get older. Also, stenosis, compressed discs at every level, some with no discernable disc left. My spine x-ray is pretty scary-looking, especially with the screws and rods in my lumbar spine from fusion 2 yrs. ago.

With all this, I have never been diagnosed with ankylosing  spondolitis. For me, it's hard to tell just which thing is causing me to hurt. But I have had some level of pain constantly for the past 25 years.

I had three facet joint blocks in my lumbar spine last month, but they didn't help at all. I go in Thursday for the same thing in my cervical spine. (These are injections of dye, anesthetic and steroid,into the side of the spine, guided by floroscopy)

But if I had been in a car that long, I wouldn't be able to walk when I got out. It could be so many things, that I wouldn't even venture a guess.

I think you would do best to get with your doctor, especially if it continues, and get some x-rays, MRI's or whatever they think you need. That's the only way they can tell for sure what it is. At least, it's the best chance of finding out.

Hope you feel better very soon.


Cordelia, Bonny, and Nini, thanks so much for sharing your experiences. I am so sorry to hear of your pain, and it was so kind of you to explain for my sake. 

When I was about 8 and came home from a summer away, my best friend ran down the hill to meet me. We hugged and fell backwards onto a man-hole cover (and onto me!) and I whacked my back pretty hard. As a result, I've always had a little bump there on my spine. I've heard that when RA rears its head, any OA that may have been lying in wait came come forth with a vengeance, as well.

Again, thank you so much for taking the time to respond! I do wish you all some comfort and peace.





I have Psoriatic arthritis, and yes I have had back trouble since 16. At best it is a dull ache at worst I cannot walk, sit or stand.  I am now being evaluated by physical therapy, I am hoping this helps, but I am not going to hold my breath.  Some of my discs have deteriorated so badly that there is bone on bone. 

Hang in there and get some x-rays of those knees.  They may need to be fixed.  I have just fixed both sides.  It helps a little with the back, but I have a sinus infection, so nothing is helping except vicodin. 

TAke care and careful with the internet. 

I have has problems with my back prior to my dx with RA.  After my hs graduation I started having severe lower back pain.  Went to my orthopedic surgen they did numerous xrays, mri's and found out that 2 of my discs in my lower back (L4/L5 i believe) were degenerative meaning that the fluid that is normaly between your discs was not there or was less then normal in those 2 discs.  Then about 2.5 years later was when i was dxd with RA.  I have always wondered if there was connection with my back and then having RA.  I have heard alot of people on here say that their drs tell them that you cant have RA in your back but i dont see how it would matter.  I also believe there are a few on here where their drs have confirmed that they have RA in their back. 
Ok so im not sure what the point of all that rambeling was but I hope it was helpful?

I also have degenerative disc disease with straightening of the cervical spine.  I think the MRI results called it "loss of cervical ordosis" or something like that.  They told me the same thing - it can cause pain and the pain can cause it to be worse.

I only discovered this when I had the MRI because I was having pain in my shoulder.  They said it was referred pain from a pinched nerve.  I had three epidurals, guided by flouroscope.  The shot they gave me to numb the area first hurt so bad, I told the anesthesiologist I didn't think I could stand any more of them.  That's when he decided to freeze the area first.  Huge difference!

It took all three of the epidurals to notice a difference for me.  I also had some chiropractic treatment too (NOT manual manipulation).  It helped too.

I hope all goes well for you.

kweenb, thanks for the info. unfortunately my insurance doesnt cover  chiro, massage, or acupuncture - all things my doc said could help. I may end up with the injections. Next appt. he's gonna do trigger point injections which i have had done many times, to try and calm some of the muscle spasms. I agree about the numbing shots. I get cortisone inj. in my heels for severe plantar fasciatis (sp?) and I always ask for the "freezy" spray first.I don't know if it's caused by the RA but I have back pain also.  I have RA in all my joints.  RD put me on calcium/vitamin D and that seemed to take away my back pain.  Don't know why or if there was even a connection.  All I know is back pain before vitamins, none after.

Most of my back pain, as I was told, is from my scoliosis. My spine curves to the right. But I do have neck/shoulder/upperback problems that are really bothersome.


Ankylosing spondylitis is pretty rare. Back pain even among 'normals' is really common. my guess that walking 'funny' with stiff knees set off your back.

My dad used to say 'If it is not one thing hurting, than it is two others.'

I am finding it less funny every year. 

Hi Christina,

i have PA rather than RA and it affects the whole of my spine. It started in my sacro-iliac joint (where your spine joins into your pelvis) and it mimics ankylosing spondylitis. When I was first being diagnosed they suspected AS as my Dad has it but since they worked out it is PA (due to involvement of so many other joints) they have written to my Dad's Dr asking if he maybe has PA too as there is a history of psoriasis in my family. At its worst I had massive spasms in my back muscles that are the worst thing ever. I was on diazepam (tranquiliser/muscle relaxant) and tramadol and still feeling pain. I had medical (as opposed to chinese) acupuncture where my Dr put needles into the muscles to release the spasm - that worked well. If you work with computers make sure you have a physio/ergonomist assessment to get your workstation set up right as that can prevent pain (has for me). I am now on MTX and enbrel plus etoricoxib and painkillers when I need them... Have you talked to your Dr about PA? Even if you don't have psoriasis as the skin involvement can come after the joint involvement. Also check your skin carefully as some mild forms of psoriasis can be mis-diagnosed.


Thanks so much for all the responses!

Ugh, I'm so sorry there are so many of you in pain with your back. I remember reading something years ago that mentioned that the knees, the back, and the woman's birth canal--while they do amazing things--would actually be the most poorly designed body parts in the eyes of an engineer!

The back pain kind of comes and goes, and since I mostly was able to avoid steps and use elevators while we were on vacation last week, I think coming home and sort of clenching up when I go up them again is what's affecting my back.

I am still not diagnosed with anything (RD appointment isn't until early September), so I've not asked about any other types of arthritis yet, KT--but thanks for the info on PA. I saw my GP yesterday, but she keeps saying that all of my blood work was normal (she seems to think blood work should decide everything). Since she's at a loss for everything else and I'm still waiting on the RD, she's treating for Lyme's Disease, which am pretty sure I don't have, so I guess you could say I'm on "antibiotic therapy"... just not for RA!

Thanks again and be well--

