Marijuana supresses immune response? | Arthritis Information


I was looking for that info on bacteria being in the white blood cells of people with RA (yes, STILL looking) and I came across this article. I thought it might be interesting to some people.


 Hello Gimpt -a-gogo

just saw your thread ( or note? still a newbie, what can i say) it seems more and more uses for MM are coming into the light of reason. I saw anarticle in one of the forums than spoke of decressed swelling in people wtih RA, and they mentioned the lack of adverse side effects.

if the Government would just Wake up! money will be the factor that opens the doors. medical use is just the begining , Take a state Tenn or any state growing tobacco, tear up the tobacco and throw it away- then plant fields of MM and Hemp! now your growing your pain meds, and with hemp you can have bio fuel, clothing and more. And better yet! now they can generate enough taxs and what ever to help with the poor ( and the Government should be watched closely to make sure those who need help ! GET IT!!) instead of somebody pocketing the money!, like they always do 

sorry i didnt reply sooner



OMG Go-Go - I JUST read that article the other day (or one similiar) but I can't remember where. Grrrrrrrrrrrr! If I remeber, I'll send it to you!Brinsen it was probably here. Gimpy just found it and posted it like....yesterday maybe? Maybe the day before. It was pretty recent though!