Need to Boost Our Immune System? | Arthritis Information


OK, there aren't supposed to be any stooopid questions so here goes:

I understand that the drugs many of us here are on are meant to suppress our immune system because it's overactive and as a result of taking those drugs we are more prone to infection.  So I thought, maybe I should be trying to boost my immune system a bit with herbs or other natural means to help avoid other health issues.  When I asked the RA doctor about it, he frowned and said to do that would defeat the whole purpose of the meds and interfere with what they were trying to do to stop the autoimmune response.  Have any of you asked your own doctors about this? 


This isn't a stupid question at all, Jesse! I've been thinking these past few days about the same thing, so I'm really interested to hear what others have to say.

I'm also still not sure how immunocompromised the drugs make us. Is it as if we have no immune system? I think that part is scaring me more than the disease of RA!

Interested to hear and somewhat bumping this to the top...


Hi Christina,

If I remember correctly, the RA doctor said it doesn't wipe out the immune system completely, just controls it.  Yet.....all the warnings say we're more prone to infections.  Oh yeah, he also said not to be overly concerned about the many, many warnings about the drugs.  They're written by lawyers who have to list every conceivable side effect, (even if only ONE person had a reaction), to protect the drug companies from excessive lawsuits. Makes for scary reading, though.


I have noticed the last week or so I have been craving orange juice. It seems I crave it when I have an infection. I craved orange juice the last few times I have had bladder infections. I just realized that today, since I was told once again that I have a bladder infection, and all week I have been craving orange juice. YUMMY!!! *licks lips and not in the preverted way either more like licking my OJ mustache* Most RD's will tell you that taking supplements to increase your immune system, is completely counterproductive and could cause you to flare.  Our immune system is overactive as it is and has to be reduced in order to control the RA.

Hey Jesse -

Those of us on AP (antibiotic Protocol) are trying boost our immune systems and we do tend to take supplements so that our bodies can eventully try and fight off the intracellular infections we think RA and other AI diseases are.


Great question!!!

It is my understanding that the biologics (at least Enbrel) destroy the cell at a certain point in the cycle.  I probably am not explaining this right, but it is damaging the bad cells at just the right time.  I think it does some damage to the good cells too.  I have always heard that we aren't supposed to try to boost our immune system because that is counterproductive.  Maybe someone else will chime in for us.


the natural supplments can take anywhere from 2-4 weeks to work and the first week  those w/ ra will most likely experience DETOXIFYING effects ie swelling redness etc. PPL stop not realizing the end goal/big picture.It is pushing the bad cells laymens terms. Anyway you just have to find the right dr who isn't anti organic/natural/herbs/holistic etc. Some actually recommend the 'natural supplements'

Joonie, my mom always said if I'm craving something it's because my body needs it and I should pay attention.  (I must have a real need for chocolate then and all things sweet and gooey!)  The OJ craving makes sense, although cranberry juice would be better for bladder infections.  Maybe it's the Vit. C you were needing overall.

Thank you all for confirming the information my Dr. has given me. Even though he's the pro, I like to hear what others and their doctors have to say.  It's a scary tight-rope isn't it, this immune system issue? 

I believe Cordelia's comment about stress is dead-on.  Stress will negatively affect every part of our bodies. 

I see the RA doc today and want to ask him about AP too. 


Before I even knew I was pregnant, all I craved was OJ and rare steak.  I drank close to a gallon of OJ a day.  It's funny how our bodies react to different internal situations.

[QUOTE=crispy]  Our immune system is overactive as it is and has to be reduced in order to control the RA.[/QUOTE]

I wonder if that is why many of us are so shocked when diagnosed with RA... because we are those folks who were "never sick" due to an overactive immune system (before it betrayed us and stupidly began attacking the stuff in our bodies that we need...



Malcolm - I love that thought!!  It soo makes sense!! All I do know is, I take massive amounts of vitamin C and I feel like it does help, with everything. In the afternoon  I used to grab coffee for a boost, now I take 3 or 4 C tabs and I feel the push I need to get moving. My skin and disposition are much better.