Is this common | Arthritis Information


Ok, I drug my sorry sick hiney out of bed and went to work.  I endured the standing for eight hours, and tried to smile through it all.

Is it normal to experience pain levels x100.  I tell you my pain has increased to the point where I just want to scream or tear someones head off.  I am going to go ice everything for a while.  I took a pain pill, so I am waiting for it to take effect.  Gosh, I hope it deadens some of the pain. 

Is this normal??

What do you do for work that you have to stand for 8 hours?? 

I'm just impressed that you went to work like that. Impressed and also think someone should probably shake her

My pain levels aren't that high but I'm controlled pretty well. I certainly experience increased pain levels during long days of standing but not that bad. Thank Goodness....I'm not sure I could be as brave as you my dear. I hope you are feeling better soon. Hang in there.

I don't see your meds. What do you take?

I work at a grocery store at the customer service desk.  On Saturday, when I thought my cold might be turning, my knee that I just had surgery on seven weeks ago really started hurting.  So, I brought just one of my crutches to work with me and was doing ok, and then one of the bosses came down and had a COW about the crutch and sent me home.  That night it hit me in the middle of the night. 

So, yes it is day two, and gosh I cannot belive the pain.  My daughter has oral surgery in the am, and I am just wondering if I am going to be ok.  My RD is closed on Wed., but I may just call his answering service, because if this lasts all night...I don't know.  I am also very cold again. 

If you are in as much pain as you are describing, I'd go to the ER.  Has the infection cleared up???  If not this might be a sign of sepsis - don't play around with that! Call the answering service, several times to make your point, if need need some pain relief and flare help asap. Wrap up warm and take care of yourself. In a minute, you will probably be hot

I know, and ended up in the hospital with pnuemonia in the spring.  Apparently my hubby is looking after me too.  In fact, when I got up in pain about 11:30 last night he go up to make sure I was ok, and asked if I needed anything more.  He had been in bed for about two hours by then, so I know he is not sleeping very sound. 

Yes, poor baby girl has to lose her wisdom teeth tomorrow. 

Thanks Cordelia and Matthew for your concern. I will keep you posted. 

Hubby does sound concerned. Glad he is looking after you. Wisdom teeth removal is never fun. Your family does have a bit going on.

Keep us posted, sweetie.

Yes, with hubby's dad's death, wisdom teeth, and a critically ill niece, we are having our fair share.  I just want this whole infection thing to be over so I can take my Humira again.  I think that would help, but I have been instructed to hold off, and I will until I see him on Aug. 15.  I want him to give me the once over before I do that. 

Although he may want to see me sooner.  Let's hope, if not I will see the orthopedic surgeon on Friday.  He is the reason why I went back and pushed the doctor to find out what was wrong with me. 

Thank you dear friends!

My feet are still hurting and I have been off of them for 45 mins now. I guess I am going to go lay down and rest.

Joonie, I am so sorry, I can understand and sympathized! 

Do you have pain meds?  Get them on board. 

Better living through chemistry!