Swimmer in Scleroderma Remission with AP | Arthritis Information


I was excited to find this article on Google news this morning. The mother is an active Road Back volunteer and I'm happy to see AP get some positive press!

http://www.theloomisnews.com/articles/2007/08/02/news/top_st ories/ 04jessica.txt

Sadly, my link didn't work. You have to cut and paste this one and remove the extra space in "st ories" and the one before the 04

Okay, it's later now and I'm on my desktop. Here's the link
http://www.theloomisnews.com/articles/2007/08/02/news/top_st ories/04jessica.txt

I had "Swimmer cured of Scleroderma" as the title of this post originally, but it's really long term remission because she's still on the drugs, so I changed it. Still, if you know anything about Scleroderma, it's a miracle!Gimpy-a-gogo39303.5420833333
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