ALLERGY TO SOY? | Arthritis Information


Since I've had the bad flareup with my fingers, I've become aware, slowly but surely, that when I eat soy, about 20-30 minutes later, my fingers will get in an uproar--REALLY MAD!  They swell big time, more than usual, become hot and very painful.  I wonder..... could soy be the cause of all this RA mess?  Well, one way to find out is to stop eating soy for about 6 weeks and then
eat some soy!

I envy people that can identify what foods make them flare, because then
they can avoid those foods. So far I haven't been able to pinpoint anything
like that in myself.

Just curious, Gimpy, have you considered wheat gluten intolerance?  I'm considering that as well (that, of course, leading to leaky gut syndrome).  My diet for leaky gut, is going pretty good.  Hard, but I'm doing it.  We shall see......

Yea, your really lucky to figure that out.

Lulu, I have and I did a gluten free, meat free, sugar free diet for 3 weeks
and nothing different happened! But 3 weeks might not have been long

I think six weeks is about what they recommend, but you really need to eat some meat, or at least take glutamine to heal the leaky gut so that, POSSIBLY, a remission will become a lasting reality.  At least that's what I'm praying for.  Did you read that link I posted about a week ago, Gimpy?  BTW, the reason I ended up consuming soy in the first place is that it was NOT listed in the ingredients on the PORK RIND package.  DARN!  I later looked it up and it was there.  I wonder if I just ruined the whole week of leaky gut healing.  You know what, though?  I'm  thinking that a leaky gut heals in about a week (as it says in the Protein Power Life Plan book).      

LULU39303.513599537HI, Soy makes me stuffy. I'll check out the 'stiffness as I drink a lot of soy milk' , (I've heard it messes with your hormones?) LyndaI think I might have missed that link, Lulu. I'm trying not to do too much at
once because if something works I want to know what it is that's working!

Can you repost that link?


If this works, WOW!  Even if it keeps RA from spreading or flaring, it's so well worth it.



I also feel like one of the lucky ones, to have identified some of my triggers.  For me it is cane sugar and glutens.   If I eat even a little of either I have an immediate flare.  

I have been sugar free for over a year now and I still react if I cheat.   I was doing exceptionally well last week until I added a tablespoonful of tomato sauce to my gluten free pasta.  The sauce had sugar in it.  The next day my foot and ankle was flaring so bad I had problems walking.   Luckily it settled down a little after 2 days.

The upside of all of this is I can manage my pain with my diet.  The downside is avoiding foods I love.

Good luck on your soy-free diet.  Its a tough one since so much of our food has hidden soy products in them.



Is it possible to have some sort of allergy testing done? eliminating for 6 wks seems impossible - do you eliminate one thing at a time for that length of time? I am very interested in this. Leaky gut seems very logical.Thanks for the link, Lulu. I remember now I DID go see that page before, but
the idea of eating only such high fat food and over-boiled vegetables
seemed kind of torturous to me. I LOVE salads and fresh vegetables! How
long are you supposed to eat that way? Even a week seems almost undoable.

But I am very curious to hear how it works out for you---please keep us
posted!I read this article in the paper today about a diet just like the one your on.

How's your's working out so far?

Hi, guys!  By the way, I'm gluten sensitive, too!  Leaky gut, I truly believe, has caused my autoimmune response (RA). I believe the diet WAS working for me until I fell off the wagon and ate some almonds.  My fingers swelled up big time after 30 minutes or so.  grrrrrrrrrrrrrr....  I had finally gotten most of the swelling down, too.  I feel like I'm back to square one.  But you're right, Gimpy; it's really too hard to stay on the diet for more than a few days (just long enough to heal the gut).  Adding glutamine, I know, speeds up healing.  I'm still aware that the foods I choose to put in my mouth do affect my RA. It's all a learning process, I guess.  Thanks for the link, Gimpy, and, for all of you who support the diet theory, please keep me informed on your progress.  We all need the encouragement!  
