OT: Things that bother me | Arthritis Information


Ok... I have come to realize the TRUE reason of why I do not want to go swimming, other then the cold water hurts me and makes me stiff. It is the same reason why I did not really care to take a sit down in the tub bath. Because you are stewing in butt juice. And when  you are in the pool, you are stewing in other people's butt juices, PLUS if little kids are swimming in the pool, you are stewing in their butt juice, PLUS pee.

It is one big sewer... if you think about it.

I have also been freaking out about using those hand dries in the bathroom. I never liked using them. I always thought it was putting more germs on my hands, way before the Tyra Banks show proved that it did. I would always wipe my hands on the inside of my shirt.

That my GYNO is gay, or that maybe he is actually a lesbian that had a sex change. Not sure on that one.

That my oldest brother (54) carries around what my oldest sister so lovingly calls it the "gay bag". Yes folks, my oldest brother, the one who is not gay, carries around a pink and yellow flowery bag for all his stuff. Pictures will be posted in a min. BRB 

This what he carries around with him and keeps his stuff in.

 What bother me....Hummmmm, lots... but I'll only name a few

 1) when my sons guy friends use MY toilet and pee around the floor or don't lift the lid!! I go balistic!! Just because they're too lazy to go downstairs to his. NASTY!!

2)When someone blocks or gets MY spot on the carport(next to the door)

3)Bread left open, cookies not closed, cabinet and closet doors left open, getting up in mornings neumerous times to find a gallon of milk my kids have left on top of the fridge, to get a soda in the back, and not replacing the milk

4)putting clean clothes in the dirty clothes hamper because they tried it on and decided to change.

5)Seeing someone in a public restroom that doesn't wash their hands after using the toilet( why I don't eat pot luck dinners at church, picnics, reunions  etc...) except my families or my own!  Gross!


 Just a few of my pet peeves

Joonie you sure that brother isn't gay?


I agree, the bag screams GAY!!!!  LOL!!!!

I hate it when my husband always says HUH? after I say something to him, clean out your fricken ears!  Better yet, cut the ear hair and you might hear something!

I have a suggestion: When you buy dove bars, take one out and stash it between two bags of frozen veggies. I've had to get creative because of all the teens that hang out at my house. One of their favorites is raw cookie dough. Nobody seems to be able to keep their grubby paws out of it, so now when i make cookies i hide the bowl of dough in the dishwasher between batches. I also hide things behind or under veggies in the veggie drawer of the fridge. Ya gotta get creative!


  MIchele!!!! I can't believe I forgot that one!!! Thats my number one peeve!!!! MY hubby I swear has selective deafness! EVERYTHING I say he has to say HUH first and I know he heard me! Gets on my nerves so bad I could scream cause now he does it just for meanace to see how many times I'll repeat my self (he'd rather aggravate than eat)


Yeah, I think I am sure my oldest brother is not gay. At least he says he is not. I already have one gay brother, which I love him to pieces. He is probably my favorite sibling, the gay one that is.

Oh! Oh!! My hubby has hair growing outta his ears, and nose! I keep telling him to buy a eat nose trimmer, but he refuses and is in denial that he has any hair in those areas. I told him when he is able to give himself a nice comb-over from his ear hairs then he will know he has hair growing in those areas. My hubby shaves his head bald, pre-emptive strike he calls it!  His dad looks like a hobbit he has so much ear and nose hair and poor hubby takes after him. This is going to sound mean but hubby has HUGE nostrils and I keep telling him that when the hair is long enough I can bride it, he has got to do something!!!! Like Moana, I know he hears me, its just out of habit.  Every once in a while I will refuse to repeat myself for a few days and it gets better but in a week or two, he starts doing it again!!!!

Ok this also bothers me for some strange reason....

I refuse to eat a piece of candy that looks like a mini turd. Tootsie Rolls... look like nicely packaged turds to me.

joonie39303.8375925926Then I take it you won't eat a Babe Ruth either...

For some reason Tootsie Rolls just remind me of dog doo. *shurgs shoulders*

Or an Almond Roca... [QUOTE=Brisen]TOTALLY like cat turds! I have a beagle pup and she's always going into the litter box looking for almond roca![/QUOTE]

[QUOTE=Brisen]TOTALLY like cat turds! I have a beagle pup and she's always going into the litter box looking for almond roca![/QUOTE]

I had a hedgehog who loved to chew on cat turds he found in/near the cat's litter box (cats are always flinging them out!!!).  When he chewed up the turd, his mouth would foam up and he would use his tongue to spread the reconstituted cat poop all over his quills.  The behavior is called "self-anointing" and hedgehogs tend to do it when they find something new and/or interesting.  Talk about STINKY!!!!  I had to give him a bath, but I almost threw up on him because he was so nasty. After he did that a couple of times, I kept much closer watch over him when he was out of his cage and on "walkabout".


I learned something new today. Good story. How many critters do you have?

turd eating hedgehogs... new one for me. [QUOTE=RAJay]


I learned something new today. Good story. How many critters do you have?


I have one hedgehog (not the same one that munched poop - he passed away several years ago), two cats, and three couch tumors (age 7, 8, and 51).

The hedgehog is the best-behaved member of the house. [QUOTE=joonie]turd eating hedgehogs... new one for me. [/QUOTE]


It's definitely whacky!!! 

Even I wouldn't be caught dead carrying that bag.  Wow, your brother, gay or not, has balls.

My german shorthaired pointer (deceased) loved to roll in dead things, the more rotten and smelly the betterWell, I don't mind hedgehogs in general, they're cute little critters.  It's the poop eating that makes my stomach go bad.  Sorry, gotta go throw up again. [QUOTE=Linncn]Well, I don't mind hedgehogs in general, they're cute little critters.  It's the poop eating that makes my stomach go bad.  Sorry, gotta go throw up again.[/QUOTE]

I've had two hedgehogs since Jimmy the Poop-licker, and neither of them were interested in the litter box.  In fact, our current hedgehog (kids named him Yu-Gi-Oh after the cartoon character with spiky hair) doesn't self-annoint at all!  He just waddles around and snorts at the cats when we let him out.

 I love brussel sprouts!!! But I love any green vegetable. When my kids were little my hubby called them whistle sprouts and would whistle before he ate one and my kids thought it was hilarious and would eat them. Broccoli is my favorite food LOL

My dogs rolls in any poop in our yard, totally discusting! Mostly on each side of his neck, He does this at least once a month. I think it's a territory issue. I'm kind of used to it now, doesn't make me sick any more. At least he don't eat it now thats grooosss!

Speaking of cat litter...........You guys gotta check this out



My dogs used to eat their own poop.  I guess they thought it tasted just as good or better the second time around and it would be hard to track if they ate thirdsies or fourthsies.  Yuck, recycled dog poop.

They have since stopped using the back yard as a buffet after a little motivation.  They have now moved on to being the ass sniffingest dogs you could ever imagine.  Their big sniffers are constantly, and I mean constantly up the others butt.  When the cats come out it is such a joyous occasion to them.  More butts to sniff, yippeee!

What bothers me is when I turn the light on to read or do crosswords because I can't sleep and hubby who has been sawing logs for hours, rolls over and says could I please turn the light out, he can't get to sleep.   I tell him he's been snoring so he obviously IS sleeping he just woke up long enough to tell me to turn the light off.  Then he rolls over and goes back to snoring.

I use the "itty bitty booklight" and have found that if I place a pillow on end between our pillows, it blocks the light from shining in his face. A pillow strategically placed over his face will help with the snoring, although you might have to hold it down firmly for a bit, lol. (I live with a snorer, can you tell?)My dogs - I have 3, love to roll in slugs, what is the deal with that? It makes me insane! It is always their necks they try to get it on and then yippee, bathtime.See there many of other reasons of why I will not let a dog lick me anywhere! They eat poo!

Anyways... I am not crazy for doing that, am I?

OMG...I just checked out the 'cat litter cake' that Pam posted the link to. TOTALLY gross!
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