How’s the weather? | Arthritis Information


As of 3:00pm CT the temp where I am living is 99°F but feels like 104°F. Yeah... it is hot and stuffy outside. You could probably cut the air with a knife!


For the first time in over a week, it's almost tolerable here in the Chicago area.  It's been so hot and humid lately!  And it was raining all week long.  We have a bit of water in the basement now from all the rain; no big flood or anything - it's just a puddle in one corner of the (thankfully unfinished!) basement.  But it's one more mess I have to clean up.  Grr.


                    104 F feels like 110 F at 4:34 est


coudy and 84

Oh yesterday the predicted we would have the feels like 110°F, but when I checked on it, it said feels like 106°F.

Well, I can say one good thing about this weather, it is keeping my swelling down to just a little bit of swelling. WHich is nice considering I have not had Humira in 2 weeks.


We're having a heat wave,
A tropical heat wave,
The temperature's rising,
It isn't surprising,
She certainly can can-can.

She started a heat wave
By letting her seat wave
In such a way that
The customers say that
She certainly can can-can.

Gee, her anatomy
Makes the mercury
Jump to ninety-three.

We're having a heat wave,
A tropical heat wave,
The way that she moves
That thermometer proves
That she certainly can can-can.

I can't believe you now that song.  Bing Crosby and Danny kaye sing it in WHite Christmas.  That's a sister movie.60's and cloudy and breezy...Scotland: 24, sunny, cloudy, sunny, cloudy, sunny, cloudy you get the drift. I'd love some of the hot stuff can you girls send it over? For the first time in about 4 days, it wasn't raining.  It was actually perfect weather.  Probably about 80's and a nice cool ocean breeze.  I love this type of day.