Stupid question re kineret (Anakinra) | Arthritis Information


I always thought that it was one of the TNF inhibitors, but Wikipedia and other sources seem to suggest its different from humira, remicade etc. Just wondering if anyone knew what the difference was?

I've called it a stupid question, as I thought I ought to have been able to find the answer easily through google...but apparantly not!

Has anyone here tried it?

Kineret, while also a biologic medication attacks a different part of the immune system than the anti-tnf drugs.

Cytokines ( a protein)  are produced as a response by the immune system.  They are kind of a signaler for the immune system to keep working.   Interleukin-1 (IL-1) is a specific type of cytokine it has shown to be in overabundance in people with active RA inflammtion.  This is what the kineret attacks. 

Kineret is the least effective of the biologics

Thank you 