build up | Arthritis Information


Has anyone else found they get worse by the end of the week. 

My husband works in London all week (comes home on a Thrusday night) so I go to work and then have to do the house stuff when I get in.  By the time the weekend comes all I want to do is lay down and sleep.  In work on a friday I am particularly bad and usually start limping by lunchtime.  I have pain most days but Friday seems to be the worst.  I can only think that I psychologically push myself all week and then by Friday my body has had enough.  I relax all weekend and then the cycle starts again.

Ah well saturday tomorrow I was thinking the same thing today!

Wishing all a restful weekend!!

Me 2! I'm exactly the same. Fine all week but come Friday/Saturday I ache so much! That would be a yes,yes ,yes!!Sherry

I somehow manage to make it through the week, but usually spend most of the weekend exhausted and in bed.

I think we hold ourselves up to the task at hand and then when we know  we're done, we let our guard down and WHAM, "it" just gets us.

This has been a tough week for me, I barely held it together....but I did it and now I can rest

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!!



I'm the opposite.  I take my mtx on Sunday so Monday is really hard and sometimes Tuesday and Wednesday too.  I start to get my energy back by Thursday.  On Saturday morning I take my long walk and then I sleep for 12 hours on Saturday night.  I'm struggling with my knees but the doc says it is important to keep I can build muscles to help support my rotten joints.  I'm trying....  If you are like me you have to do all your errands and house work during the weekend and that is killer because it's the best time to rest.

My husband suggested I hire someone to help out twice a month and it sounds lovely but I think we would be better off putting the money into retirement and as it is, I would have to wait almost a year before we could afford to to that anyways if even then; my kids are killing me.  They are actually more expensive as late teens/young adults then when they were smaller.  Take care everyone; get some rest and don't feel guilty!!!

That's for sure Cristene. The older they get the more expensive they doubt!!

I have to take my meds on the weekends because I can't afford to be a zombie during the week. I'll have to admit that Monday's are still pretty slow going...but nothing like my Sundays.


Hi Nik-

It's not just you or your RA. Your body knows if it hasn't gotten enough rest. By the end of the week if you haven't gotten enough rest, your body will take it anyway it can. Hope this helps to know your not alone. Listen to your body, take the rest you need.

So true Monk.  One thing that can set me off is not getting enough rest.  Stress will do it also.
I take my MTX on Saturdays by Sunday, if I don't get a reactions from taking it, I usually will feel better till Wednesday or Thursday.  Then it's down hill from there.
If it wasn't for my daily cat naps, I would never get any sleep.
Mmm cat nap. It's 7.38am here and I have been in work for 1/2 an hour.......I could just go a cat nap already.  Ah well no rest for the wicked.