OT If...the sequel | Arthritis Information


If you wanted your death to have the maximum dramatic effect on people who knew you, how would you choose to die?

Saving babies from a burning building!


           Spontaneous Combustion

I'd fall into my own recycling bin, be collected at the curb by the county, and have my face reproduced on the plastic and glass bottles of all my friends and family. I know they would expect me to haunt them into being responsible Earth citizens with my death, as I drive them crazy enough about it in real life.

Having an aneurysm burst.  When the kids and/or husband are being especially foul, my usual line is "knock it off before I have an aneurysm!".

When my youngest was in kindergarten, he was a handful - always getting in trouble. One day when the teacher was reprimanding him, he turned to her and said - you guessed it - "knock it off before I have an aneurysm!"  She asked if he even knew what that meant - he replied, it's when a vein blows up in your head because someone is making you MAD!"


Cute story and I like the line. I may even borrow it at work.

Jasmine, I'm not coming down on you, ok? Just supplying some info.

Three years ago, my oldest daughter has a ruptured brain aneurysm, at the age of 37. She was not expected to survive the surgery   attempt to repair it. Most people don't even survive the rupture. God was with her and her doctors. They saved her life and to everyone's amazment, she came through with only an eye that wanders, and a slight personality change. The personality change was for the better

It is a horribly painful and terrifying way to die.  Please don't feel bad... that's not why I'm writing. Just letting you know how it really is. By the way, the only thing she remembers of the 3 week period she was in the hospital, is the headache she had at work, before I picked her up and took her to the hospital.

She talks about it without any problems and so do the rest of us. If it comes up, we just try to educate. I'm sorry if I ruined the mood of the thread. That wasn't my intention.

That was really funny, though, when your son said it to his teacher. I bet she remembers him for a very long time.

Be well,



My husband had a massive heart attack several years ago - he flat out dropped dead at work.  Luckily, co-workers knew CPR, paramedics arrived within minutes, and after multiple shocks he was brought back.  He spent 8 days in a coma in intensive care; I was told that he would be in a persistent vegetative state, if he lived.  Well, he beat all odds and was back at work 12 weeks later.

He loves to tease the kids - "don't make me have another heart attack".

And when I panic because I can't get ahold of him and I'm sure that he's dropped dead again somewhere, his reply:  "Geez.  You drop dead once, and no one lets you forget it."

How amazing that he was brought back! The doctors don't always know, do they? I think they must prepare us for the worst, too. Especially, when it is probable that the outcome is not expected to be good.

They told us my daughter's condition was "dire". On a scale of 1-4, with 4 being the worst possible outcome, she was 4. They also told us to expect severe impairments, if she survived. We still keep in touch with the doctor who saved her life. He uses her case in his classes and speaking engagements.

I love your husband's line
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