Is anyone else bi-polar too? | Arthritis Information


I am also bi-polar(not weird bi-polar)but bi-polar nevertheless. This means I haven't slept in 2 days. I have just had it. I am in pain and uncomfortable and all I want is to curl up and go to bed. Sorry to not be warm and is everyone???

Hey Chris....well, I'm not bi-polar so I don't know what that's like.  Do you take meds for it?  If yes, is that why you have been awake for so long or does that just go along with being bi-polar?  If I remember right, I think bi-polar has to do with wild mood swings?  I hope you know that your welcome here and you don't have to be warm and cheery.  At least not ALL the time.


Hi Chris, no I a not bi-polar but I do struggle with depression, I know its not the same thing though.  Is it normal for you to have bouts like this where you are up so long?  Are you allowed to take something to help you sleep?

Hi Linncn. I take cymbalta for depression but the manic part is hard to treat because the medicine that works for me was gving me diabetes. It's called zyprexa. It works GREAT, but the side effects of weight gain, drowsiness, and off-the-chart blood sugar and cholesteral were simply too much risk to keep taking it. I was falling asleep sitting up during church, sleeping 12 hours a day. So, my personality changed. Now my personality is back to normal, and so is my weight, my labs and my mood but I can't sleep, at all. I just got ambien called in to the pharmacy, which I plan to take after 7;00PM. THANKS FOR CARING, I AM SO HAPPY TO GET A REPLY!!!!!

Ok, Now I am on Abilify, which does not work at all. I am not a happy camper. All the other ones make you fat or sleepy or die or something!!!!


Oh, you'll get lot's of replies, I promise you, but even if you don't, you'll always get one from me!! 

Those are meds I havn't heard of, except Ambien.  Hope that works for you.  It's frustrating when all you want to do is sleep but you just can't.  What do you do all night while your awake?  Do you lay there trying to sleep?

I guess you have RA too?  What do you take for that?


Oh, you'll get lot's of replies, I promise you, but even if you don't, you'll always get one from me!! 

Those are meds I havn't heard of, except Ambien.  Hope that works for you.  It's frustrating when all you want to do is sleep but you just can't.  What do you do all night while your awake?  Do you lay there trying to sleep?

I guess you have RA too?  What do you take for that?


I take prednisone 10mg , enbrel, Methotraxate, and methadone since narcotics make me too loopy to drive. I do have RA. I watch repaats of old Star Trek episodes and try to lie there. It's lucky I love Star Trek. I would go stark raving mad w/o it at 4:00 AM. I get all shaky and my legs quiver and I can't get comfortable. I already have to sleep on the couch because it's not fair to my wife. ARGGGGHHHHH

I take enbrel and methotrexate and vicodin when I need it.

So you're a trekky?  Do you speak vulcan?  I know a kid that does, and I know another lady that has a star trek suit.

I am a full blown fan...but not a trekky per say. It takes me away from reality and from pain and depresion.

Those are good things to get away from.

I'm not bi-polar, but like many of the others have depression, which often goes along with chronic illnesses. Of course, it is not the same, but my last anti-depressant was Cymbalta, and I didn't do very well on it. I gave it a good try, several months, but it wasn't effective enough for me. Also, I had no pain relief from it, like you are supposed to. I really hope it is helping you.

I'm now on Effexor XL 150 mg at night, and it helps much more.

I have also had insomnia for a very long time. Recently been on Restoril, but REALLY do not like the side-effects. My pain specialist has been talking to me about Ambien, and I would like to try it. Will you let me know how it works for you? Without something, I do not sleep at all. I don't like Star Trek (sorry:)) But I watch a lot of Nick at Night.

I sure hope you find something effective for the manic part. And I really hope the Ambien helps you sleep!!

Glad to have you with us.


I am a slow cycling bi-polar I. I was diagnosed in 1984, when I was 31, but at the time, my dr and I realized I have been BiPolar since  about age 11. In general my cycles are extremely wide, occuring about every 5 years, and can be linked to reproductive cycles..menarche,  pregnancy, weaning, perimenopause, and menopause. I have cycled about 4 times since 1999 however.

I have found that for me Dyseryl (trazodone) and lamictal is the combo that is working well now.

In the past (since 1984) I was able to use Lithium quite effectively, but found I couldnt use it anymore in 2004.

Since 1972 I've been on so many different meds.... Elavil, triavil, librium, lithium, welbutrin, melaril, dyseryl, depakote, tegretol, topomax, prozac, zoloft, tofranil, and effexor..  I  was diagnosed as severely depressed  in 1972, and was hospitalized  for a while.. I can NOT take any of the SSRI's nor the Effexor types any more.

At the moment I have been in a fairly prolonged downturn, characterized by incredible irritability and loss of interest in things that  I used to be very enthusiastic about.. It feels like I havent really been right  for quite some time..perhaps as long as  since mid 1999

but even so, I figure life is pretty darn good, I just have this  litle thing to deal with....

Luckily my dr is knowledgeable and works with me..


I have nothing healthy to add to this conversation.


But I'm adding anyway.



I love Star Trek TOO!!!! *dances*

Hi Chris,

I'm not bi-polar but my grandpa is.  He's not on any medication for it.  He also has trouble sleeping during his manic state.  I'm sorry this is giving you such a hard time.  Having one thing to deal with is hard enough but 2....

I hope that the Ambien works for you and allows you to get some sleep.  I can only imagine how you must feel.  I get cranky if I don't sleep at least 6 hours never mind 2 days. 

Also, welcome to the board.


Hi Chris:

I'm no bipolar but my mum is.  I grew up with her undiagnosed and unmedicated most of my life.  She has been pretty well controlled on Lithium for about the last 20 odd years. \

 My daughter seems to be having a problem with depression although not sure whether it is bipolar.  I know she was on Zyprexa for a few weeks and gained about 25 lbs and would sleep about 15 hours a day.  She has gone off the zyprexa and her weight is (very)slowly going down but her moods and such are still not stable and she is having a lot of trouble at UNI.  I'm going to organize more counselling for her and try to find her a psych who will treat her ADD which I think is part of the problem.  She isn't coping with her ADD and I think that adds to her frustration and mood swings.   It seems to be hard to find a psych who deals with adult ADD and she can't get the meds without seeing one. 

I really want to get her sorted out because the stress of dealing with her is really wearing me down.  I would really love her to be settled so that I could concentrate on me de-stressing and handling my RA better.  I also want her to be happy.

Welcome to the board. 

