OT - *sigh* The job.... | Arthritis Information




Here's the deal. I'm not doing the job. I didn't have my interview today.....I was running late, because we had a low tire (UGH!) BUT!! I called!! And apparently the message never made it to Brooke.




So I talked to one of the sales reps (Perri) who is a real sweet girl, and knows about the job thats coming open. I told her all that has happened this past week, and about Justin's mom and what we're going through. She was honest with me and told me the hours would be 8-5 - no exceptions and it will be a very fast paced job. Basically, she said she was worried that with all that's going on, I wouldn't be able to do it. And she's right. I can't start this job, which is a HUGE step, and have to leave next month to be with his mom.

Right now I'm at a job where I'm comfortable, I make good money, people know me, and I have senority. At this point in time, I can't afford to lose that. Yes, the sales job is here at the hotel, but its a different department, working for different people. I can't start it and turn around and leave for a week, or two, or whatever.


So there's that. I don't think I'm bumed, I'm not sure what I am. I know it's going to be easier on us this way. It's just not meant to be. I said that the first time I was supposed to interview, when the people got in the wreck in front of me. It was an omen! And I've been feeling odd about it the whole time. I really should listen to my gut more often.

Oh, and on top of all of that, I'm starting this Lexapro, and I'm about to see an RD who, supposedly, is going to ACTUALLY put me on meds. Because according to my PCP (thank god) my RA is NOT under control.

We know how hard I react to meds, so I'm sure I'll be calling out of work sick as a dog when trying some of these. UGH. >.<

Anyway. I'm done now. LoL

Don't worry about the job Katie, with everything you have going on I guess the added stress of learning a new job and new people would make everything that much harder.  Better to stay where you're comfortable, and with what you know for right now.  Something better is on tap for ya, I know it.

You don't take any meds?  I mean for RA?  Crazy.


No, I don't. It is crazy. LoL My last RD put me on Mobic, and was a little nutty......I'm seeing a new RD on the 27th, and my PCP seems really confident that she'll put me on SOMETHING. My PCP actually personally KNOWS my RD. So that's nice. The Mobic and any other NSAIDs make my stomach upset.........nice, eh?

Sounds like a wise move on your part. Instincts are usually right on, and I'm glad you're listening to yours. You sound like a really smart girl Katie, and I'm sure other doors will open at a more opportune time.

Here's hoping you and your new RD will be able to come up with a workable treatment plan for ya!

Oh, and on top of it all, Justin has been smoking pot every day, and it's been keeping the Chrons under control. Well, we're out and can't get anymore......we knew that was going to happen though, we timed it just right with his insurance and stuff. He JUST got his referall on tuesday, and we tried calling around to make a GI appt for him today, and they were impossible. I can't make the appt for him, he has to do it. Problem is, he spent all morning being nauseus as hell. *sigh* Ya can't really talk on the phone when you're ready to puke!

I need to be avalible for everything that could happen. BLAH! lol

Katie...I like how you just take what comes your way and keep your happy attitude.

 Awww Katie you have such a good attitude for one so young

Sounds like a good decision about the job and all, especially right now with so much up in the air. I'm just glad you hadn't already started the new job and everything come crashing down around ya. God knows you didn't need the added stress. Good luck to you at the new Dr and hope Justin is Ok. For some reason I just can't say "hope you score some good pot soon"














Katie, you have a terrific spirit! And I completely agree with following your heart and instincts. I think there is a grand scheme that keeps the world going, and being able to recognize what is right for us, is a very important part of that scheme.

You do need to be more flexible right now, so I think you really made a good decision. I'm sorry poor Justin is suffering again. Does Florida have a medical marijuana law? I sure hope he can get something that will help him keep his disease under control.

You two really have some trials ahead of you, and you seem to work so well together, to be able to handle all the things that have come your way. I think you two being together is Definitely part of the Grand Scheme. I hope things don't get too tough for you. I know you have the strength and flexibility to handle things, but I hope things smooth out for you, soon.

You're still young and have time to try new things, when you're not being pulled so many different ways, emotionally.  Love and hugs,


LMAO nah, we're done with the pot. It was a temporary thing, his lungs can't handle it. When you're fighting your way through the health care system, you do what ya gotta do!

I loved your comment about "seeing the forrest through the trees" It reminded me of Manson........LOL Seriously!! He talks about people who CAN'T, and people who "can't smell your own sh*t on your knees!" Seriously, a line from one of his songs. LOL Maybe thats why I'm so attached? He's irritated by people like that, and so am I!

Wanna know another reason I'm not taking this job?

I seriously forgot about this.....don't kill me......



Back to school!!!!   Sweet.  Whatcha studying?How did you forget that?


 Did I say you had such good common sense??? Should I edit??? YOU NUT!!!! But I am glad you're going back to school


I have no idea what I'm going for.......well, sort of, it needs to be something to do with kids and early childhood development.


 You love kids??? Ahh my kind of girl

I take after my mommy.

Isn't it funny how life often gives us what we need rather than what we think we want?

Good and wise decision, Katie, with all you and Justin have going on, wow, you probably need to remain in your current niche.

I love how you looked at it so positively and how you roll with the punches of life, girl.

I really appreciate all your kind words! I've been feeling a bit manic here and there, and sometimes my mind races SO FAST it goes off without me, and I'm left just about drooling, staring off into the distance going "huh?"

You all make me feel sane again. LOL

I don't like to turn out too much gush at once cuz I don't ever want to sound insincere, but Katie, I think you'd be really great working with kids.  You're positive cheerful disposistion will be a big hit with the small fries and being a "lifer" I think you'd have alot to teach them about doing your best and overcoming obstacles. 


Katie, I wish I had been as mature as you are at such a young age.  All the best to you.


Katie, I'm sorry that the new job isnt going to work out the way you want it but sometimes things happen for reasons.  Maybe once your RA is under control and things settle down in your family maybe that job or another will come up. 


I think you made a very wise decision to follow your gut.  It's almost never wrong in my case.  There have been times when I wished I listened to it more.  Especially at your age.  A lot of stupid mistakes could have been avoided.

I think it's great that you're going back to school.  Kids are very rewarding.  Have you considered being a teacher?  There are a lot of good programs for people going into teaching now because of the shortage.

I have, and that is totally an option (teacher)

The daycare I worked at specialized in special needs kids and foster kids, troubled kids, etc etc. And I loved every second of it, so there's a big draw there.....I'm still deciding!!

Katie, I'm so glad you are going back to school! That's great! I can definitely see you as a teacher. I wish some of my teachers, back in the "olden days", were as cool as you.

You have a great enthusiasm for life and it will serve you well.

Great News!

Katie, I majored in  ECE and had a preschool for 5 yrs prior to going into law enforcement. I can tell you, one of the perks for working in a preschool is you are able to bring your own children there free or at a deep discount which is a huge incentive. Now, if we could only get you guys hitched!

After my children were born I quit my career to be home with them and I ran a licensed home daycare for 10 yrs. I made very good money and was able to be home with my children.  An ECE degree definitely helped there too, because I always had waiting lists...

Deb, law enforcement? Are you a police officer?

yep she was! (Deb an officer)


Deb, that's awesome! I really want to end up working with LITTLE kids, like 5 and under. I'm not sure I even care what I'm DOING, just as long as they're that little......hehe

I miss having little kids.  They're just so fun and sweet. 

Deb..that's sweet.  I mean that you were an officer.

She was a good one too! From the stories she tells anyway! Heheheh


Hey Deb, how do you cuff a one armed man!??!

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