OT I Scared My Dog!! | Arthritis Information



Well I spent all day with Emma(nearly two) and had a blast but all tuckered out so hubby and I went out to dinner after she went home. So when we get back I lay on the love seat to watch Jeopardy and fell dead asleep.

I jerked awake sometime later with my little dog up in my face barking her head off at me. I jumped up in a panic and my hubby is ROFL and I'm gettin POed and my dog is turning her head back and forth sideways looking at me like I'm crazy and I say "whats wrong?what happened?!!! well when my hubby can finally talk he says "you scared the crap outta Poochie snoring like a bull elephant

Just thought I'd share one of the the perks of living with a self-proclaimed comedian




Great story Moana. I am still laughing. We become so indignant at the thought of ourselves snoring ever. Poochie sounds cute and scared. 

Hahahaha!!! Nice, poor Poochie is going to have nightmares now of her mummy snoring and snorting like a bull elephant

Oh and my hubby claims he does not snore, so one night when he was snoring really loud and good, I video taped him. I took my digital camera stuck it up in his face where his nose was and recorded him snoring for like 3 mins before he rolled over.

Yeah! I showed it to him the next day when I remembered I had recorded him, and he was laughing soo hard at himself snoring. He still says he does not snore, but I have the proof on my laptop.

 LOL Joonie hubby was laughing too hard get the camera thank the Lord!!

Poor Poochie may need therapy now too!

Cordy I still can't believe I snorted like a bull elephant!!! I am very indignant!!(and embarassed)

Alex Trebek shave off his mustache?

He looks just plain weird and I refuse to watch Jeopardy because he no longer has his grey mustache!

Thank god, hubby was incapable of getting the camera. It could have been worse Moana.

I know it is really shocking to hear about one's snoring and embarrassing especially as a woman we hate to think we can snort in our sleep like a bull elephant. Seems decidedly unfeminine somehow. Your poor bugger.

Your dog sounds as cute as a button.

Well, if you're gonna snore, you might as well go for the gusto!  Great story!!! My husband snores so loud, in any posistion, that I finally moved to a different bedroom.  I coudn't sleep with him sawing logs next to me, or if I did I woke up several times every night.  A nudge or a poke (or pinching his nose and holding his mouth shut till he woke with a start and qucikly rolling over to pretend I had nothing to do with it) only gave me about a 1.5 minute window to fall back asleep before it started all over again.  I couldn't take it anymore. [QUOTE=Linncn]My husband snores so loud, in any posistion, that I finally moved to a different bedroom.  I coudn't sleep with him sawing logs next to me, or if I did I woke up several times every night.  A nudge or a poke (or pinching his nose and holding his mouth shut till he woke with a start and qucikly rolling over to pretend I had nothing to do with it) only gave me about a 1.5 minute window to fall back asleep before it started all over again.  I couldn't take it anymore.[/QUOTE]

OMG my husband and I have separate rooms as well... he snores, and I (allegedly) steal the covers and kick when I'm sleeping.  We're much happier (and more well-rested!!!) since we've taken separate rooms.  Plus, in a house with three boys, I need at least ONE girly room!!!!

His snoring doesn't bother me unless I can no longer hear the television

It's embarrasing to wake myself up snoring, though. I never used to snore, I guess it comes with age?

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