RA and Lupus... | Arthritis Information


I am quite confused at the moment (as I often am). I have read articles suggesting that it's not uncommon for people with autoimmune diseases, such as RA, to develope other autoimmune diseases, such as Lupus. But the "Nurse Practitioner" at my RD's office said, "it is VERY rare for someone with RA to develope Lupus."

Hmmmmm.  I don't know, I thought the same as you.


This is why it is important to eat right and take supplements, such as omega 3's and green tea, which are both scientifically proven to prevent cancer, AND help relieve pain, and swelling..the natural way.


That's me....Lupus/Rheumatoid Arthritis/Raynauds/Sjrogrens.  A mixed ball of fun, NOT.  It's called MCTD, Mixed Connective Tissue Disease.

I can't say that I had one and then got the other, that was my first diagnosis.


I still only have RA (2 years since diagnosis).  Since no one really knows difinitively what causes RA, it makes sense to me that once our immune systems start attacking our joints it doesn't stop at only our joints.  As long as the cause is still around (bacteria, virus,genetics,????) our immune systems keep overreacting.

My father has sarcoidosis (another autoimmune disease which attacks the lungs.)  Any way recently his spleen is enlarged and the doctor said it was his sarcoidosis attacking his spleen.

I wish research would spend more time on investigating why we develop autoimmune diseases instead of giving money to drug companies to keep us chronically sick.  Maybe if we could find out the "why" we could find a cure.


Multiple connective tissue disease is a very real and scary thing.  This is what eventually took my dad's life at 61.  He had major complications from Crohn's, and the inflamation went to his heart and it literally blew up.  This is what made me go and see what was up.  He had Psoriasis and Psoriatic arthritis for years and did not get a proper dx.  So it went internal and ravaged his insides. 

My younger sister is going down the same road.  She does not have insurance, so she will not get dx.  Unfortuanately she will probably follow my dad much sooner, because she has it in her 20's. 

Take care of yourself and be honest with your doctor if you think this has progressed beyond RA. 


I am so sorry to hear of your fathers passing due to these awful diseases. My grandmother (who raised me from 1 1/2 weeks old) passed this past October from complications due to RA, Lupus, and Osteo. Then I started feeling bad in Feb, around my 40th birthday. What a slap in the face!!! I quit smoking in January, turned 40 in February then start feeling like I'm trying to come down with the flu! After 5 weeks of feeling this way...I went and saw my PCP. Tested negative but had elevated inflammation levels. Blah, Blah, Blah. Eventually was dxd with sero-negative in April.

I am glad that she did not know I had come down with RA before she passed...she would have been fit!!! I took after her in so many things, but this one would have sent her over the edge.

Anyway...that is the reason for my concern with also developing other autoimmune diseases.. I know when she took mtx, she had really bad mouth sores and they had her take the folic acid for that. But ya know...I read somewhere that Lupus makes the sores in your mouth as well. I only know she had been dxd 15 years ago with RA and Lupus and in the last few years of her life she was taking just Plaquenil because she could not handle anything stronger.

I miss her terribly! But know that Heaven gained so much with her going there. I am just scared to find what the future holds for me with this disease. I have a 21 yr old and a 3 yr old, and I want to be able to enjoy my youngest as I did my oldest.

Blessed I'm learning to live in the moment and let tommorow handle tommorow. The bible says cast all your cares on me, that his grace is sufficient. Tommorows worries are suffient in and of themselves. Contrary to popular opinion we don't have control over anything, but we can trust the one who does. I have 6 children,and a 5yro with type1 diabetes... and when i started reading all this stuff worries hit.

I layed on the couch and prayed one night. GOD i ASK THAT YOU TAKE AWAY THE FEAR OF DEATH. I have been known to be a hypochondriac in the past and would pray...lord give me peace, take away my anxiety, but it would still be there. Of course to a lesser degree after prayer. You know what...instantly after i prayed that(take away fear of death) I was no longer afraid. God told me that was the ROOT of my fear, and once i realized that was where it was coming from, he released me from it. All I can do is TRUST him that he has a perfect will and plan for my life as well as my family's life. This is the kind of legacy/attitude i want my children to inherit. My 5yro son was dx'd with diabetes at the age of 3. He gets stuck and pricked 6-12 times a day. I tell him, diabetes doesn't have you, you have *it*.


I pray that he gives you a peace and leads you to the perfect regimen for YOUR body!

Debra, not only do I share your name, I have the exact same dx's plus ddd and polyneuropathy. What meds are you on?
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