RD added MTX yesterday... | Arthritis Information


Well...after taking Plaquenil for 3 1/2 months, I got no relief. So yesterday my RD put me on 7.5 mg of MTX a week as well. Started it last night after supper. Felt okay for the rest of the evening. Achy this morning, but not too bad. Tonight on the other hand, is quite a different story. I am a smidge sick to my tummy and VERY achy all over.

Is this normal? If so, how long does it last? Any other info you can give me will be most appreciated.
I know MTX is hard on alot of people's stomachs.  You can take it by injection though.

Hi Lisa, I'm sorry that you had to go on MXT but let's hope that it works for you.

We're all different in how we react to MXT.  The only reaction I had when I first started it was fatigue the next day and an increase in RA pain.  After 24 hours I was ok.  I'm on 17.5 mg. inject. because I didn't want to add any stomach issues to the mix of problems. I have very little reactions now.  Just some fatigue.  I think being more achy the next day is a common complaint.  Take care and keep us posted on how you're doing.  Lindy

LinB39305.916712963 Blessed from what I've read here with others who take MTX, they say they have flu like symtoms for a day or two and stomach upsets seem to be common too. Hope you can tolerate it well because I really think it's a good drug along with a biologic for RA. Good luck with it and give it some time if you can stand it. Feel beeter soon!Just remember that Diet A&W rootbeer is your friend.  While I was getting used to it I lived on that and yogurt.  Yoplait white chocolate and straberry...yum.  Depending how I am doing and if I am on an antibiotic I can still have the stomach upset.  You do feel like you have the flu.  Once you are stablized, the symptoms subside mostly.  I had to go up to 20mg.  I do not want to take the shot.  2 shots are enough for any sane person.  I take allergy shots every week and Humira every other week.  Gosh, I always have needle marks, I guess I am a qualified druggy...hahaha!I have had very few side effects to MTX except some hairloss. Never had any tummy upset problems but then my stomach isn't easily upset and I make sure I always take it after a decent amount of food.

Again how long and how bad is an individual thing. We are all different.

I hope it works well for you and your side effects are minimal.

Blessed, I felt like I'd swallowed the contents of a hot garbage truck when I first started on mtx. Initially I felt horrid for about a week but this feeling lessened with each dose. I was fine after about a month. I also used to get a sore on the end of my tongue a couple of days after my dose. I've been taking 7.5mg for two years now and don't get any side affects.

Give yourself time to get used to the mtx, the side affects will most likely ease up.

The only major problem I had with MTX (I started out at 5 mg. and now take 20 mg. weekly) was the foggy brain sydrome.  My RD switched the folic acid (you take that too, don't you?) with Leucovorin which I'll start next week, to help with the memory issues but I didn't seem to have that problem this week, so it may have passed.  My point is, any side effects you get, if any, could very well stop as your body adjusts.  MTX is scary stuff but it's the gold standard treatment for our types of problems and is often tried before going to some of the other heavy-hitting drugs.  Good luck and keep us posted. The NP did not tell me to take any folic acid, should I?  Ia am going to be searching for a new RD. Not impressed whatsoever with this one, whom I only get to see every 4th visit, they make me see the NP instead. It really gets under my skin. I do not make NP appointments, I make and pay for doctor appointments.

Hi blessed, love your name


I'm not taking any meds(natural sups for now), but from what i've gleaned you are supposed to be taking folic acid while taking biologics, and it can take up to 3 months to feel any benefits. I guess it's a personal choice if you want to ride it out for that long.


When I first started with 7.5 mg. I took it at work and was so dizzy and had a pukey feeling.  It was horrible.  I had read so much about having stomach issues that I didn't have enough food in my stomach.  It was trial and error for me, I'm up to 20 mg. now and I make sure I have 3 good meals the day of my MTX, and I swallow my pills before going to bed.  Works for me; I sleep through any yucky stomach feelings.  I'm tired the next day but that's okay, I'm used to it now.

You should ask your doctor about folic acid though.  Good luck.

Blessed, call your RD's office and ask about Folic Acid.  It should be prescribed if you're on MXT.  It helps protect the blood cells and it also helps with some of the side effects of MXT.  MXT destroys the Folic Acid that our bodies make so we need to supplement with pills.  You can get over the counter Folic Acid but the higher doses are by RX.  Take care.  LindyYes take the folic acid. I've seen a lot of debates about taking it on the day you take your MTX. Your symptoms sound pretty normal to me. I'll just add one thing, GAS. I call them deadly silencers. After bout a week or so that subsided as well. I feel so weak and tired the next day, I hate it. I've started taking vitamin C and take them especially when I'm a walking zombie. They really do add a kick when you need it most. Good luck & keep us posted. Hi, I don't have major problems. Some fatigue, and 'flu' like symptoms. I'm on 20mgs. a week now, and plan to 'deal' with it the day after (rest or whatever it takes), I have hair loss and take 1mg of folic. I take mine after a full meal. I don't take any of the other drugs you take. Could there be an interaction? LyndaThanks everyone for your responses. I appreciate all the info. I am just so frustrated not knowing what to expect.

So what is it supposed to feel like when your RA is "under control?"
no pain, some stiffness/swelling before medication every week, but only some mild fatigue, etc. You know you NEED the medication, and when you take it it works to make your life better. that's what happened to me. If the meds can't contol it you have pain/stiffness/swelling. You go to your doctor and adjust the kind and amount of medication until it is correct. LyndaI hope it will get better for you Lisa.  I started MTX last fall and it took several months for me to feel the good effects of it.  I almost gave up on it due to the bad side effects (fatigue, nausea, anemia).  I am back up to 20mg divided up as 10mgs on Tuesday and Friday.  I take it after dinner (it helps) and I am not as fatigued with this schedule.  I have not had a blood test for a few weeks, but I can tell the anemia has improved.  Good luck!
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