OT Meteor Shower Tonight | Arthritis Information



 For any one interested theres going to be a huge meteor shower tonight! I watched last year and it was awesome!!! Everyone should be able to see them. After midnight and before dawn is supposed to be the best time. Hubby set his clock to wake me at 4:30am. I can't wait I'm out there watching if I can get up.  Hubby said he'd wake me, we'll see.  Is this one that the whole COUNTRY can see? Or no? Yep the whole country. They say it's best to be away from city lights. Look up to the northeast sky. A few years ago I was cub master of 20 some boys and we had a camp out and not knowing about the meteor shower saw it that night. The boys were mesmerized, me too. It's awesome. We saw several every 30 seconds. Ck it out!I'll venture out there soon, see if the clouds have passed.

When I was in college we all went to the beach for a shower. Kegs and coolers and all. LOL There were yards of blankets stretched out, as by the time the word had traveled almost our whole dorm turned out to see it. We drank the night away and lay in the sand, watching the shower. It was SO neat!
I just went out and it's too cloudy here in central IL. Bummer. I was going to take a blanket out and lay in the yard. I live in the country. My neighbors are cows and cornfields. LOL Well don't let the clouds ruin your night. Go cow tipping..... arriscolwell39306.9503819444I would go cow tipping but Farmer Bill locks them up at night. LOL

is the shower only visible from the US and is it the night of 12/13th or 13/14th? Which shower is it? Full report please

We have the Perseids shower coming up soon but I think it peaked a few years ago.

I just googled - it is the Perseids, max tonight 13/14th, viewable in northern hemisphere. Thanks for the reminder, I'd set the alarm for the 26th
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