provigil | Arthritis Information



I'm new to the forum. I just found it through a google search re provigil. For all those of us with ra and extreme fatigue I just want to say that my dr gave me provigil to try and I suddenly feel that I have my life back. I had to retire from my work because I couldn't do it with the fatigue and pain and now after about a mo on provigil I'm on my way (cautiously) to starting my own computer consulting business. I'm sooo much happier when I can function like a normal person.

Anyone else have any experience like this?


skm.....did it take care of the pain?  What other meds do you take?  I'm VERY interested - I'll try just about anything!!!


You sound like I used to feel. Hang in there - The pain is so disabeling but the fatigue is what really croaked me.

I sure hope you get relief.


hi to both of name is diane. I have been reading up on all the meds and suggestions at this web site. Heard of Provigil from another member here that reported good results.You are so right, skmaguire, the pain is hard to deal with...but the fatigue really takes your life away. That is where i am at...and my RD will not let me try the provigil. I started enbril 10 weeks ago and am still looking for a good result. only relief i get from my hand and hip pain is when the RD gives me a round of prednisone. we agreed to try enbril for the 3 months it is said to take to see any results, and continue if it starts to work for me. untill then he does not want to add any new meds that might interfere with this trial. as a result i am soooo tired all the time. Well, i am happy i found this site to talk to others. my family does not understand...but i know you all do. May you all have a good week-end! Hang in there...


Dear Kathy

Hi iam new to the forum what are u doing for the computer consulting bussiness iam interested as would luv to work from home using my computer after ive had my op on my foot in Sept/Oct.

Please would u share what u will be doing,and info ect who to contact please would be very grateful.



My website pretty much says what I do with computers.   I work from home and people bring their computers to be fixed but I also go out a lot to small business or homes. I've also created web sites and done some accounting which I was able to do from home. I learned about building computers networking them installing programs and all that stuff.

It's hard to get started. It has been word of mouth and friends telling friends that has gotten me some business. I haven't tried any advertising because I'm afraid that I'll have more than I can do.

Do you have a particular line of interest that people might need? Check out Ebay. There may be something there that could work for you.

Good luck.

