Hahaha I FOUND IT! | Arthritis Information


Ok... I did not know I missing "it" but I found it. I went looking for my antibiotic and boy am I acquiring a lot of pill bottles on my mantel. Anyways... I picked up a pill bottle I thought was my antibiotics and nope was not it, but a nice surprise! It was my Lortab bottle with 2 whole Lortabs in it. Now I am wondering why the heck I was suffering yesterday? Oh I know why! Because I thought I was out of Lortabs and was riding the pain out.

Ok... I so badly want to say "Life Sucks", but I am trying not to be soo negative.

LOL - one day a few weeks back I found a pill bottle with a few vicodin's in it... and I really needed one.  I thought I was out and I had my dr's appointment the following week.  I hadn't needed any in such a long time I had let the script expire before I got the last refill.  I thought I was going to have to wait it out, and then WOOHOO!  Relief!  It was a happy day!
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