OT - Ahhhh Hurricanes! | Arthritis Information


Sooooooo there's a tropical depression, set to probably be upgraded to a storm tomorrow. It's *way* the frick out in the Atlantic though. And there's a low pressure system in the Gulf, that's set to be a depression some time tomorrow as well.

Looks like my predictions for the season may yet come true. I hate my gut feelings. You know, I had SUCH a bad feeling about the season when June 1st hit, and now that it's come and gone, and we're into August I started to relax. Until last week when I realized that EVERY hurricane this area has gotten with substantial damage has come in late August or later.

*gulp* I really want to be wrong about this season!! Everyone cross your fingers with me!! Beg for a storm free season!?!? Please? My bro was in FLA two years ago (was it two?) during a hurricane.  He said that at first he was kinda excited to be caught up in it, but he said that you just cannot imagine the strength of a storm like that unless you've been in it.  He said it was pretty scary.


 I'd be outta there if it forcasts to come near Katie I am kind of hoping for a Tropical Storm. We are in serious drought and that is a good way to fix that. Nothing over a cat 1-2 though. We don't need the wind damage. But I'm kind of twisted anyway, I think Hurricane storms are beautiful. I always go for a walk in the storm as the TS winds first start coming in and love to go outside during the eye.

I lived in Florida for 4 years.  I think it was the first year that we were there, there were 4 big hurricanes that all hit central Florida where I lived.  I'd never experienced hurricanes that had this much power.  In Massachusetts as a kid, we would be out playing in them sometimes.  Well, I panicked.  I had my car parked in the front yard right next to the door.  I had packed food, clothes, blankets, pillows, flashlights.... The list goes on and on.  All of this was in the trunk and back seat.  Planned various "escape" routes and was monitoring the weather almost 24 hours a day.  Granted hurricanes are a serious thing in Florida but I think I went a little overboard.  Meanwhile, my neighbor is out making a beer run and cooking on the grill.  LOL

By the way, I never had to evacuate so I had to then unpack everything I put in the car.  Ugh!

I lived in FL for many years and went through lots of hurricanes. Make sure you have plenty of medication. If you are running low on anything, call your pharmacy and they will give you more early. Something they dont always tell you is when you need bleach afterwards, makes sure it is plain bleach, not the scented kinds. You have lived there long enough to know all the other stuff. I hope the pressure systems arent hard on your body! hugs sweetieYeah they just predicted that it won't come this way.......but I think it's ignorant of them to start saying that now. It hasn't even hit a land mass yet and that ALWAYS skews its course. I really wonder about the professionals sometimes.....
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