paranoid - this really happened | Arthritis Information


Was away last week and just getting caught up. Saw the latest smackdown hijack battle thread, and the part about drug cos. monitoring the boards. Tell me what you make of this:

I'm pretty sure I made a crack somewhere about Amgen making our ped rheum's car payment. I was joking (okay, half-joking), trying to justify why he is so Enbrel-only these days, when even another ped rheum told him 'if the mom is willing to do Humira, just give it to her!' (we are still doing well on AP, thank you every much; OT says she can barely feel any fluid on her wrist anymore!).

So, last visit, after we got another Enbrel speech and he couldn't answer any questions specific to my daughter, he worked in that he drives a '96. Huh? 'She needs Enbrel, I need to go now, what do you drive?' He literally blew off a direct question that I asked twice and only required a yes or no answer, said he was out of time and went to the door, then turned around and asked what I drive. And then made sure he worked in he drives an older car.

So now I'm paranoid. And Amgen pays him enough to pay cash for a used car, I guess LOL.

Sadly, of all the smack I have vented about him, the only thing he cared to address was that.   Perhaps it is a 96 RollsRoyce?As far as I know, and I may be wrong, Enbrel is the only FDA approved one for Kids..........isn't it? Time for you to go SHOPPING, for a new Doctor that is.

I'll be honest; I skip over all the conversations you are referring to so I can't talk directly to what you are talking about but I will say this; I"ve caught myself saying "I'm building the new wing down at my dentist office" because I've spent so much money down there this past year. It doesn't mean I really mean that. I'm just being funny.

K~Sorry I know that has nothing to do with what you are talking about......but it just popped into my mind after I read your post.

Could just be paranoid I don't is strange though right?

Katie - few RA meds are FDA-approved for kids, including mtx, but they use them all the time. Normally, you start w/Enbrel as your first biologic and it is combined w/mtx. My daughter had two serious infections on mtx, and I found a study that said kids did well on Humira alone and also some data that made me feel that people in general had less upper resp. and skin problems on Humira. (I don't want to debate that - to be clear, it made ME feel that way.)

So, that visit, not long after she stopped mtx, I would have walked out of there w/a Humira rx. AP dr. said she needed a biologic at that point and I was as ready as I was ever going to be. But....the ped rheum said she looked the best he had ever seen her, that her arthritis was less active. He wouldn't accept that AP was doing anything, though.

Next visit, he had called the ped rheum who did the Humira study and told me what he said. Basically, Enbrel and Humira would be the same. To him, that meant we needed to just do Enbrel, like he preferred. To me, that meant he had taken away everything positive I felt about a biologic, and now I was scared them all again.

Let it ride to this last visit, "The '96" as I have catalogged it, where we got xrays that came back stable, and more recently labs that show her CRP is still dropping. Now, the OT sees even more improvement. Hopefully, we can go a little longer without adding anything!      Gotcha. I was just thinking that perhaps he had used something other than enbrel, and something had happened and he got in trouble for it. It was a theory! No, but he has told me twice that they participated in the Humira study I had. He said they had two patients in it, 'but they...dropped out.' He says it like that, sort of a dramatic pause or loss for words. The second time he did it, I wanted to shake him and say, "Tell me happened, for goodness sake!!! Did they get deathly ill, or just drop out????"

That may be why he has such an aversion to it, but it would help if I knew. He said he would rx it, if I wanted it. But he acts so weird about it, I have no idea what to do. Just keep hoping to avoid it all, I guess. He seems like a drama queen in general, really. Is


Yes, full of drama, but no, I do not think he is gay.

Ask him why on your dime he is deciding to discuss his car.  If you wanted a car, you would go to a car dealer--you came to him to discuss your child's health. 

I do believe they are all in bed together--the mds, the drug companies.  Face it--it is $$$$$$$$--it is big business. 


Why don't you just straight up ask him???   Tell him he sounds weird when he talks about humera and you want to know why.How would anyone know who you really are and who your RD was? Maybe I am just naive . I never thought so, but...I'm with you Nini.  I have a hard time thinking that my RD is sitting at home scanning message boards and deducing which, among his patients, is posting messages.Argh...that's one of those situations where , if it were me, I would lament not
having a quick-witted "why are you telling me about your car?" at the time. It
is weird but speculation will get us no where. Maybe ask him next time?

I don't think you would be that hard to pick out of a message group,
considering your situation, but there's lots of message boards and I would
be surprised if he lurked on any of them. It is creepymysterious, though!

My AP doc reads message boards.


No, no, no, I do not think at all he is on the boards. But Gimpy is right, our situation is unusual and silly me posts using my real name (although he always calls me "Mom", or once called me "Susannah", so it's the Zithromax that would give it away, I guess!).

This is the scenario I conjured up, after reading the drug cos. monitor the boards. Hospitality suite at a "conference". Amgen is the host. 'Hey, guys, be careful about passing out just any copy of a study to moms, especially one that tells how much we pay in 'consulting fees'. Some crazy mom posted about us making car payments!'

Laughter all around. 'And get this, she has her kid on ZITHROMAX!' Our ped rheum chokes and scotch comes out his nose. And he stews on it until the next visit. Well, I would be very surprised if drug marketing companies WEREN'T
looking on message boards. But what I want to know is do they post?

Well, I do love a good conspiracy theory, but this one doesn't really work for me, sorry.  The drug companies get negative press and comments from people and publications far more important than the lowly patients and their moms.  And they are not at all fazed by it.  They don't care.  Yeah if you were on the Today Show making these comments they would probably send a corporate spokesperson to dispute what you have to say, and talk about how much they are doing to help the disease-ridden public, but it wouldn't change anything.  There was even an episode of Law & Order done on this very topic. 

I wouldn't put any meaning into the doctor's comments, other than maybe has has picked up on some vibes you are sending off, probably without even knowing it.

With regard to the message boards, I fantasize about my doctor and others reading the boards.  I think it would be about the single greatest thing a doctor could do!  It would mean he was spending time listening to the issues surrounding the patients he treats, and the pain and frustration they are experiencing.  A doctor that would take the time to investigate a message board and understand his patients life and reality would be a superstar for me.

The bottom line is, you have made a choice for your child's treatment that you are happy with, it seems to be working, and you are actively involved in the decision making.  If you are not comfortable with the doctor, or feel you can't trust him, it's time to change doctors.  We have all experienced that - there are some really, really disappointing doctor-patient relationships, and incompetent and/or just greedy doctors.  But there are some excellent doctors out there too.

The ball is in your court, find the one that fits your needs.

But, Hillhoney, the drug marketing companies openly admit they read
message boards---they're proud of it and think it's quite clever (which for
their purposes it is). It's the MARKETING companies, not the drug companies
themselves. Pip posted a bunch of articles from Pharma Marketing
Journals about that very practice. I'll see if I can dig them up for you.

So it's far from a "conspiracy theory". It happens all the time.

Editted for spelling.

I don't doubt that there are trolls from marketing companies who pop into any and all message boards and promote the products they are representing, perhaps offering "personal" testimony about how well a particular product has worked for them.  That's no different than the well placed shill in the crowd back in the days when charletans sold their snake oil from the back of a wagon.  It stinks, but from a business standpoint I could see where it would make sense.

But the idea of a marketing company checking for negative comments made about their practices or products, figuring out who said them and telling their doctor what they said is just simply too far stretched.  What would it accomplish from a business standpoint.  It would take a lot of time and effort and money - and for what end result? 

Well, I have no idea about that. I think that's why Suzanne is so confused
about her doctor's comment.

I found out it's actually illegal to plant marketers on message boards, but
since there's no oversight it probably happens all the time anyway.Well, I can't imagine any vibe I could send that would give him the impression I'd like to discuss Honda Odysseys. I was so dumbfounded, I had to clarify what he was asking.

I did consider that this was to change the subject, so he didn't have to answer my 'yes or no' question. But he hadn't answered twice, and I was letting him escape when he said he was out of time and had to go. I let it go, because his not answering the question actually gave me the answer.

So I am paranoid, because he was on his merry way, then stopped to start a new conversation about something apparently irrelevant.

As far as changing drs., all I can say is search for a ped rheum in you area. There are not many. You are basically limited to med schools. I've spoken with other moms who feel like I do about communication, etc., but when they change, they always come back (and coming back means being out of the 'cycle' so you have a three month or so wait to get back in - likewise, switching could mean three months of waiting).

Hillhoney -

That Law and Order episode made an appearance in an article (THAT I CAN'T FIND - DARN IT) that I sooooo wanted to post.  I'm pretty sure it was either the LA or NY Times and it was on how pharma co's are now scripting shows around their products.  It's called 'product placement' but it's no longer Paula Abdul getting paid to stick herself with a Humira pen.  The writer's on the medical drama's have a plot line and Pharma 'buys' in as a consultant.  They then work with the writers to develop a plot line around their product.  So...if the writer wanted to write about an adverse reaction - that gets killed off.  Not in the best interests of the Pharma Co.  It's long form advertising.

They also went on to tell about how they hire celebs to be the spokesperson for some "new disease" and how the celebs handlers won't divulge how much the celeb makes in 'endorsements'.

Real docs on these boards - MORE POWER TO THEM!

Pharma disguising reps to act like one of us - I got a problem with that.


Well, I found the link you're looking for, Pip! with the Law and Order episode t-advice-

(you need to remove any spaces put in by AI after cutting and pasting that

But I'm still looking for the Pharma Marketing Journal ones.

Damn, you're good! ontent_id=1003556675







I tried the link and couldn't find what you were referencing.  But I am confused about what you are referring to.  The episode I am referencing was about a pharmaceutical company paying doctors big bucks to treat underprivileged children with a medication that was actually killing them, and then getting them to cover up the fact that the deaths were caused by the medication - a medication which was being released as the next great cure.  It was a very negative episode, and the Hollywood ending was of the CEO of the pharmaceutical company being arrested for murder, as well as the doctor involved with the case.  I can't imagine that was a case of Product Placement.


I booted up my desk top so I could post an actual link t-advice-hefty-fees

The Law and Order stuff you guys are talking about starts about halfway through the article.

Gimpy-a-gogo39309.506724537We are obviously talking about two different episodes. 

GoGo -

It did it again - added a space in 'heartfelt'.  As an aside, you don't have the link to the House doc and paying for spokespersons do you?  That's the one I keep thinking of - there was a lot more on how the scripting works.

Hillhoney - it does start like two different episodes.  Do you know if it was an old episode?  L&O has been on the air something like 17 years.  There have been a lot of changes since then.  I'm having my hubby search for the episode you talk about.  We've seen EVERY episode thanks to the miracle of Tivo.


Duh - sound, not start!


It has a space but the link still least on my computers. I have to look for that other link later. I have a bunch of stuff i have to go do now.

Suzanne, this has turned into something very different than what I had intended, and for that I truly apologize.  Having a child with a serious illness like RA is horrifying and as mother of 3 I feel nothing but sympathy and concern for you and your situation.

I was trying to make you feel empowered to get the care you deserve, and stop dealing with someone you can't trust.  I was NOT trying to make you feel as though you have done anything wrong.  Sometimes it is hard to convey what you are trying to convey in a little message box.

I don't know why the doctor made the bizarre comment about his car and it's age.   Is it possible that you have made a comment to someone else, perhaps even as a joke, as Lovie said, about paying for his expensive car?  Maybe it was another mom in the waiting room who went in after you, or something the receptionist overheard? 

Mainly I think it's a mute point.  You don't have a good relationship with this doctor, and no matter how difficult it is, you need to be finding a new doctor.  Don't cancel any appointments with this doctor until you have established a relationship with a new doctor that you trust, so you at least still have a doctor to handle emergencies.  Take your own copies of lab results and medical records to the new doctor, so that the present doctor doesn't even know what you are doing.  And if he should find out, it doesn't matter.  You have a right to seek another opinion.

Please don't feel attacked.  While I disagree with your theory about how he knew what you have been saying, I don't feel you are in any way at fault in this.  And I fully support you seeking AP treatment for your daughter. 

Let me tell you, 'paying a dr. to do a study on underprivileged children' sure strikes a chord with me! There are so few RA meds approved and/or studied in children. I found an old study done by a ped rheum we have seen, and was totally surprised by the disproportionate racial breakdown of the study group. It was not the demographic of his practice (been there in person) or the disease. When I read it, my first thought was, "They are taking advantage of underprivileged children". Wow. Hillhoney - No offense taken! I just wanted to convey that I have put some thought into this. I don't think the drug cos. look for negatives, or track people down, but in this situation I think it is worth considering that somehow my sarcasm found its way back to him.

I'm sending you a PM. Suzanne39309.5402314815Maybe, since the doctor is driving an older vehicle, he's thinking about getting a new one and wondered what Suzanna drives because he's thinking about what kind he might like to get.

I just thought of something......perhaps he thinks that you're chosing a treatment course due to pricing.......some people judge others incomes by the car they drive. Seems far fetched, but I *have* had people ask me what I drive, before telling me the price of something I was about to buy. (I know it sounds SO weird, but it's happened 2 or 3 times, I swear)

Katie, that is why salespeople (especially selling big ticket items) ask where you work, what do you do, etc.  It is a tool in sales.  It helps the sales people know what you can afford etc.

 We went looking for a car (only the 2nd time in our 11 year message, we are very cheap

Katie - I get what you are saying, but he doesn't fish that hard for that type of info.  Every visit, I have to fill out the same form (even though nothing has changed) that asks our education level, occupations, dates of birth, even our daughter's preschool name!  And that visit, I told them I had talked to insurance about biologics.  Even getting injections at the ped's office instead of doing them myself was still relatively cheap (in my opinion) compared to other expenses we have incurred.

It won't be long before we see him again.  Maybe I should "plant" something somewhere LOL!

The reason the doctor changed the subject seems simple enough to me. You were asking about info that by law he/she could not give out. You can not even talk about cases involving patients in the hallways or elevators of most facilities because of privacy laws. He probably didn't want to seem as if he was withholding info, so he changed the subject. In our training videos at the hospital I work at, that is one of the strategies they suggest to distract from priveledged info is changing the subject. After reading this thread, I'll be honest and just say I can't tell you that. However, there will be some who won't believe that either.Maybe he thought it must be you who door-dinged him in the parking lot! Caprice - there was no priveleged info here. We were discussing my daughter only within the exam room, nurse present, too (She was playing the role of Chief Subject Changer, actually). She did not jump in for the save the first time I asked my horrible question (guess she was wondering, too???), specific only to my daughter. And he blah blah blahhed, but did not answer, so I said, yes, I get that, but....and asked again (nurse still looking like, 'well, I'd like to know that, too'). Then he said he was out of time and had to go. So I let it go, we were all gathering everything up and getting out the door. Then he stopped and turned around and asked what I drove. There is no logical explanation for this that I can see. If he was out of time, why hang out and talk cars???

Karin - Oh, he knows I didn't ding him - they get their own lot!!!

BTW - when I told the AP dr. about asking my question that was never answered, he said, "Of course he didn't answer! If he did, he would look like an a**!"    Now I'm dying of curiousity---what was the question?Sigh. GlaxoSmithKline, are you paying attention???

Gimpy, I'll PM you. Anybody else who cares, PM me and I'll share it. This is just not something I want to post. Okay, Suzanne---I don't mean to be snoopy. I'm a very curious person. I also respect privacy so I wouldn't be offended if you didn't tell me! No, you are not snoopy. I know I've been asking for that question - I'd be asking it, too! Check your PM.
