OT I think I’m missing a girl gene | Arthritis Information


The one that makes you think baby showers and bridal showers and candle/purse/over priced basket/ cookware/food storage parties are big fun.

I just got home from one.  How was I supposed to know the "hydrating moisturizer" was more like a jar of creamy soup???  I didn't mean to spill it all over the earrings that were on display.  Smelled nice though.

I'm not a big fan of them either - you are not alone.  I've always felt a bit out of place at them. 


don't worry...its a gene worth missin!!!!

I don't made some of the products I just hate the production needed to buy them..just give me the website and let me order what I want

Ok... I like throwing a baby shower, but not much into going to one as a guest or in honor of

I do not carry a purse, my purse is son's diaper bag, and before having son, and after daughter was too old to carry a diaper bag around for, I gave hubby my stuff to stick down in his cargo pockets of his pants.

I am not much into anything girly. I am more or less a tomboy. Every once in a while I will put on makeup, but it is usually just for hubby to see and then I take it off within the hour. Even though it took me an hour to put it on right Katie? I bought nail polish when it was daughter b-day and I only got one nail painted and has been like that since July 19th Oh and my bath loofah is ALWAYS pink, my cell phone is a pink razor, I have a pink and black cheshire cat scarf (and gloves, I think) I have a pink and black cheshire cat blankie that travels the house with me....

I just bought a new pack of ouchless neon colored hair ties to do my pigtails with....I have an entire case of make up that sits on the back of the toilet and the ENTIRE under cabinet of the bathroom sink is MY crap.

One of Justin's most common phrases to me is "You're SUCH a girl...." Dood I used to do Mary Kay, don't preach to the choir.....


I'm pretty girlie; but I hate those parties too. A friend of mine had a Pampered Chef party not too long ago so I went to that and spent and got the under the cabinet can opener (Which is awesome by the way) and some spatulas that I could have gotten at the dollar store for 20 bucks less! I always feel like I have to buy things when I go to those stupid parties. That same friend had a "Passion Party" (Whatever the hell that is) three weeks later. I couldn't bring myself to go to that one.....although I'm curious as to what it was all about.

If I'm going to buy stuff I'd prefer to go shopping and get something I really want.

Baby showers in general suck! Can't stand those. Now a Bridal Shower is a different story; especially if they've got some fun punch to get everyone in the spirit of thingsThe girl that runs the Starbucks Coffe cart where I work sells Mary Kay on the side and she's ALWAYS trying to get me to buy something. Every single day, she's all over it. And all I want is a freakin' cup of coffee!Isn't it the most irritating thing EVER? I hated it!! They start out so nice, and talk about women's empowerment and all this other bullcrap to reel you in. Then they tell you in order to remain this level member, you're gonna have to sell X amount, or they have to cut you and you can't come to this, and you can't do that. Or they just talk to you like you're FAILING, even if your goal was just to sell a little for a little extra cash. They act as if it's something that HAS to become your full time career. I absolutely can not stand a Mary Kay party! Those I will refuse to go to. Course I had to learn that the hard way.Like it's everyone's dream to own a pink Mary Kay car...YES!! That's EXACTLY how they act!!!! >.< Their's a mary kay pink navigator that drives around here. It's fugly


  LOL I must be missing that gene too then cause I hate all those parties. I flat out refuse to go. I'll sometimes buy a gift from pampered chef or a kids fundraiser candles but absolutely no parties! And I will not give one either.

I'm like Katie though when it comes to make-up. I'm an all out freak for it. I've tried it all and Mary Kay was probably my least favor. I don't go out of the house without make-up and my hair fixed. I feel nekkid


If you look the same Katie then something ain't right!


According to hubby NO AMOUNT of make-up can cover ugly and if she is fugly... a paper bag might do the trick... but doubts it.LOL well I notice a difference, I think in his own way he's trying to be nice. As in "you don't look any prettier, cause you're already pretty"

But he's a guy so it comes out "what were you doing on there??"


The one that makes you think baby showers and bridal showers and candle/purse/over priced basket/ cookware/food storage parties are big fun.

I just got home from one.  How was I supposed to know the "hydrating moisturizer" was more like a jar of creamy soup???  I didn't mean to spill it all over the earrings that were on display.  Smelled nice though.


I wanted a new computer instead of an engagement ring, if it's any consolation.

Pompei Purple...it's a great color.  Pink with a purple tint,lol.

I'm a girlie girl, but hate those parties!!!  Well, have had fun at a personal pleasure party lmao....

In Aus the Mary Kay cars are hot pink VW Bugs.  The Mary Kay warehouse is just down the road and the Nutrimetics one too.  Me, I prefer K-Mart for my make-up (when I wear it).  I get girlie every once in a while but fortunately the feeling doesn't last long.  I'm your basic bo-ho hippy 98% of the time.  If my hair actually needs to be combed it's too long.  I can be out of bed, showered, dressed and out of the house in less than 10 minutes when I want to (which is most of the time).  I got girlie on Saturday night and wore mascara.  I make jewellery but hardly ever wear it.  I buy nail polish but rarely wear it cause I'm too 'not careful'  with my hands and the nails are always crappy (unless they are acrylic).  I'm guessing I missed out on that girlie gene too.

Hey, you're my kind of gals! What in the name of blue bananas is a 'shower' anyway? In the UK tacky girls have 'hen parties' - the chavvier the girl the more desperate they are to chuck money at trash just because they are getting married any day soon. I have always had friends with taste so have avoided such events - I've seen them on the tv, urrggghhh

I've no idea what a baby shower is - does it involve a watering can? Hmmm, I don't think I need to know.

You're not missing any genes, it's the mugs who get suckered in who have a gene missing - the one that sends 'this is a con' warning to the brain.

now im not girlie when it comes to the nail polish (well during the summer i at least like my toes polished) But i love the different parties that you can go to and craft stuff.  But the comes from my mom and grandma I think. We have a BIG family so there was always a baby shower, wedding shower or some home party.  Now its calmed down a bit with the showers.  I LOVE baby showers the best though all the cute stuff



Very very cool Shannon.  Gifts like that mean so much.

Yeah, I'm not much of a girlie girl either.  I lived in the city and played Barbies most of the year, but when summer came and I got to spend 3 months in the the Applachian Mountains of West Virginia every summer, the inner tomboy would come out.  I loved going fishing, trapping, hiking in the mountains with my Granpaw.  Being outside and in touch with nature and the bugs and critters was who I really was.  Used to love going out at night and catching nightcrawlers or making a pet out of a tomato worm!  I always wanted to just slap girls who said "EW" at anything.

When I got married I was bound and determined I wouldn't be one of those sissy girls who wouldn't get her hands dirty (like my MIL).  I think I was out to prove something, LOL!  I worked right along with my hubby on all projects.  I couldn't count the number of 4 x 8 sheets of plywood I have carried over the years by myself, usually resting on my head.  Makes me wonder how much the damage in my spine and hips has to do with me proving I was tough!  Climbing ladders and painting the eaves and soffits of a 3 story house, cutting down trees, you name it, I did it.  Now I can't do any of that stuff and it REALLY pisses me off.

My daughter has been raised the same way.  She wears the nail polish and collects the creams and lotions, but she also knows how to use a chop saw and screw gun.  She was so excited on her 14th birthday when she got her own tool belt and power tools for set building at the theatre.

Now she's getting married and we are enjoying all the typical mother/daughter stuff of picking out flowers and cakes and gowns too.  But when it comes to throwing her a shower, I'll be damned if it's going to be one with tea cakes and silly games.  We will make it our own, fill it with our kind of fun and probably some lovely drinks with umbrellas!

Hillhoney39309.3846759259Okay, I'm the newbie, but putting in my 2 cents. I'm a girly tomboy. I have to be girly, I'm a hairdresser and an Avon Rep. So, the make up and hair are always done, on work days. There are days I will go out without them done, and pj's on. I'm not afraid to get down and dirty in the yard, or hang and plaster sheetrock. Just not in the last year or so  !!! Well I have a tomboy side too!!! I just don't do alot with it because its Florida. And It's always HOT. Ugh. yea i have a tomboy side in me too.  just not so much anymore

Flummoxed by the notion of searching through a purse to find a toy car and a bobby (?) pin.

Okay, you take a very, very pregnant woman, "surprise" her as she walks into a rented hall with a large group of women dressed in their prettiest dresses.  Then the pregnant woman pretends to be completely blown away by the surprise and starts to cry and giggle. 

The room is decorated with little plastic diaper pins and baby strollers, and favors shaped liked baby booties.  There is a bowel of punch with rapidly melting sherbet floating on top, and a beautifully frosted cake. 

And of course there is a table filled with lots and lots of baby presents.  As each little baby item is opened by the pregnant woman, it is held up and everyone says "Aw, or OOH" on cue.  Nearby the organizer of the event stands making a list of gifts and who they were from so that thank you notes can be properly sent.  She will interject little comments here and there to keep the flow going.

Guests sit in small clusters sipping on their sherbet punch, talking about their pregnancy, or quietly discussing the difficulties encountered during labor and delivery.  You don't want the pregnant woman to overhear, because she will be totally terrified and want to back out of the whole motherhood thing.  Everyone justs asks the mother-to-be how she is feeling and then smiles knowingly.  You ask her if the nursery is ready, and how her husband is holding up.

Sometimes they will pass out little pencils and pads of paper and you get to play word games. 

I believe the whole event is called a shower because you are showering her with gifts.  Often there is a pretty pink parasol placed on the gift table to remind you of the "shower" theme.

Okay, ladies, did I get it right?

Hey Hillhoney (I'm stalking you btwI used to LOVE to garden, digging in the dirt and stuff but, I can not do that anymore and it really upsets me.  I literally have more square feet of garden than house.  Unfortunately, right now, its more weeds than anything and we will probably end up tilling almost all of it under as I just can not physically take care of it! Ok so it seems the tomboy/girly girl gene is split 50/50

I have had exactly 1 manicure in my life and  removed it  5 minutes after I got  home.. it felt "icky"  I dont wear polish ever.

 I wear jeans and sweaters or shorts and t's

I own almost zero shoes.. 2 pairs of sneakers..1 for "good" 1 for blackberry picking, woods walking etc. I bought a pair of sandals a few years ago, and wear them  sometimes, and I have a pair of kmart clog type things,   like a pull on yakka boot.  I buy a new purse about every 6 years, always from walmart, and always the same type.

I wear makeup sometimes but end up throwing most of it out every 3 years because its clumpy and stinky.

I do get my hair done. I'm a bottle blonde and  Mark absolutely loves it.. I started about 2 years ago, and it looks great... but  I go about every 6 weeks.. the rest of the time is shampoo in the tub and run a comb through it.

I've been to 2 baby showers in my life..one in 1957 and one  for my second child in 1981..

I've never been in a wedding...

I just went  to the potty and checked.. yep I'm female, but ya sure coulda fooled me.

ROTFLMAO!! You're to funny!

I have to admit it I'm a girly girl.  I dress everyday, wear make up, have my hair styled, get pedicures, facials, waxing, and massages.  Even if we're just going to the lake to fish I dress and put on make up.  Can't help it.  I was born like this.  It's kind of schizo. and I've learned to live with it.  I was on a softball team for the county and I would show up in full make up, idressed n my gray and berry colored uniform (lipstick to match) and have to endure the joking and abuse from my team because I looked like I belonged in a commercial instead of on the field pitching.  It's an illness.

I love to shop for clothes, love red shoes, and purses.  I've never met a frilly bra that I didn't love, but I don't like lace.

Can't stand showers, bridal parties, or any of the plastic parties or home decor parties.  I've never been to a plastic party and 1 home decor party where I proceeded to get drunk with everyone else, had a great time.  Been to too many baby and bridal showers to count and have loathed everyone of them - including my own. 

Hillhoney described perfectly my baby shower, even down to the sherbert floating in the punch bowl!  We're both southern girls and I have a feeling that type of shower is inherent to the south.  Lindy 

LOL I used to wear all pink and purple and nothing else.


Until bed time. Then I had my he-man underoos.....

  LIINB you stole MY idenity

 Hill I wish I had a dime for every baby shower I went too, or wedding shower, plastic party, makeup party, etc... we'd all be rich and I would share the wealth with all of you
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