Need Lyrica info from users | Arthritis Information


Went to RD because of aching, painful legs.  Muscles are sore to the touch and nerves are firing.  Feels like I'm walking on glass.  Well according to RD Fibro symptoms have returned and I have nerve pain from sciatica.  He prescribed Lyrica, Vitamin D, and Magnesium.  To make matters worse my liver enzymes are slightly elevated and I may have to discontinue MXT.  I can't even think about that! 

I took the first Lyrica tonight and so far I feel fine.  Not dizzy nor sleepy.  Would like to get some first hand reports from anyone out there in forum land who has or is taking Lyrica.  Lindy

Hello Lindy,

I have been taking it for a while.  I am on it mostly for my painful feet.  I ran out and didn't know that it really did that much for me, but I was wrong!  I am in a lot more pain this week.  I am getting it refilled TOMORROW!  Good luck!


I started Lyrica 75 mg 2x day about 2 1/2 weeks ago.  I love it.  I have not had any noticeable side effects.  My feet feel better than they have in 2 years, symtoms like yours.  Also, my fatigue is less, sleep better and my rt. hip pain is gone enabling me to handle stairs somewhat better.    I felt relief after the first night of dosing.  Of course, it did not get rid of the RA pain, but the fibro pain is soooooo much better.

Good Luck and if you have any more questions ask away.




Sorry your feeling down I have nothing of any value to share other than wishing you well soon.

Hey lady. I can't really speak for Liz, but you know she's on the stuff. I know she likes it as it helps her a lot with her nerve pain, but I know for her it makes her loopy and tired, it's a bedtime pill for her. If you have any questions you can always e-mail her. PM me if you don't have her addy! She's sick in bed she has a virus!! :(

Hey Katie, I need a Corona to wash down the Lyrica....I wish.  This not drinking is for the non drinkers.  I'll PM Liz and when she fills better she can answer.  I can't believe that she's sick.  Tell her I send hugs. 

Am so glad to hear that it has helped some of you.  I went and searched the forum and got quite a bit of info.  Sort of split between it didn't do anything or it helped a lot.  Not much gray area there, which I find interesting.  Lindy

Lindy, I've been on Lyrica for 1.5-2 years (wish I could remember better) and it has helped dramatically.  Starting out I had some temporary side effects, but I'm now up to 150 mg twice a day. 

As for the liver enzymes, I know some people here have taken millk thistle and it has helped.  I use SAM-e, but a study last year showed that it might interfere with mtx, so probably not the best option for you.

Good luck and I hope you're feeling better soon.

I take it for nerve pain in my legs as well. It's made a huge difference. I knew it was helping but once I let my prescription run out and was going to wait until the end of the week when my other's needed to be filled. I sure found out quick exactly how much it helped.

Hope it helps you too.

Just started 6 days ago, very low dose, only 25mg at bedtime.  I have issues with the dizziness and detached feelings.  I do have a little less pain this week but I a still ore dizzy than usual.  I am going to stick with it for a while longer though.  I will be at 25mg for 3 weeks, than 50 for 4 weeks than 75 for 4 weeks.  Not sure what my final dose ill end up being, I just hope the side effects lessen for me.

Actually my legs and feet felt a little better last night but today I'm absolutely miserable and am using my cane.  This is really crappy.  My surgical knee feels great.  I'm really spacey from 150 mg of Lyrica.  Feel stoned and Stan say I act stoned.  Sort of like out of body experiences. 

Thanks everyone for your input.  I just want it to work.  Stan and I want to go away next week for 3 or 4 days and I want to be able to walk.  We found a pet sitter, one of the vet assistants will come by the house twice a day to care for the cats.  We really need to get away for awhile, we need to hit the asphalt!  Going to Las Vegas for a day, then up to Reno area where we used to live.  Need to go through storage, pack up a uhaul, take some antiques to consignment shop, visit friends and my old workplace, and then bring uhaul back to Yuma.  Not exactly a fun trip but it's at least getting away and being with friends that we really enjoy.  Hope Lyrica starts it's magic.  Lindy 

Poop!! I talked to Liz the other night and I had *so much* to fill her in on, you honestly slipped my mind. :( I'm sorry!! On a happy note, she's keepign food down and starting to feel better. She's working on catching up on the sushi board, and her RA Parents board, then she said she'll tackle the mess that is AI!!

