Common Cold and Enbrel | Arthritis Information


I have heard people say that they have had to get off biologics when they get sick, because it suppresses your immune system. This is my first time becoming ill since I started Enbrel, I have a bit of a runny nose and a sore throat and some coughing. How long should I wait til I call my RD and tell her about this cold. Also any recommendations on what to take and what not to take as far as OTC drugs? Thanks :)

J~I'm on Humira & MTX and I'm off my meds for the second time in a month due to infections. The first time I didn't feel all that bad, but they put me on an antibiotic and made me stop my meds. I went about 17 days and although I still had a slight cough I restarted; despite my RD's warning to wait until ALL signs of infection were gone (I felt fine...just a slight cough). Two weeks later I've got bronchitis and a sinus infection and I'm off my meds again; for probable another two weeks.

Go by your GP and let him take a look at you. I don't suggest stopping your meds unless they say it's nessesary; but I'm learning that it's best to just run by there and let them decide how sick you are.

Hope it doesn't turn into much....but on these drugs it can very easily.

Feel Better.

JEalously, I had gotten sick at the beginning of summer and i waited the 7-10 days (guess i shoulda gone in sooner, but...) i had bronchitis. Now the doc ( my GP) never said I had to get off the enbrel etc, but added biaxin, a strong antibiotic for 7 days. it cleared me up for the most part, but it was still a few more days before i was cleared up totally.

I had asked what OTC meds i could take and they said Day quil and Nyquil were ok to take with my drugs. Im on plaq, zoloft, allegra, BC, MTX, and enbrel, with pred for flares.

Good luck!!!!! Feel better!

Check with your dr.  My rd tells me to stop taking my enbrel at the sign of any infection or if I am feeling sick immediately!!!  I have had to be off my meds several times.  So don't wait check with the dr.  meme

My RD tells me to stay off drugs with a cold.


I've been asking myself the same question.  I have been off all meds for 6 weeks due to low white, red, and platelet counts.  I just started enbrel again about a week and a half ago (still low red, but the others are about normal).  However, now I have a cold, or maybe just really bad allergies.  But, I don't much want to stop the enbrel again because the hip pain has been so bad that I completely cannot sleep.  So.... 

Hope your cold just goes away on its own super-fast
