My burning thighs | Arthritis Information


Apparently this is actually a condition... at least, what I think I have is this: it's called meralgia paresthetica, and it's a burning or painful sensation in the outer thigh that happens when one of the large sensory nerves is being compressed.

I am not in a lot of pain, but I noticed it several months ago (before all of my joint pain started) when I'd get off the treadmill. I assumed it was muscle pain and that I wasn't stretching enough, but it's started to increase. I actually called it my leg "seizing up."

If this is indeed the aforementioned condition, it does mention certain types of arthritis being the culprit. I'm seeing an RD on the 5th of September, so I guess I can just ask him about it?

Does anyone else experience this?

Thanks in advance,


OMG! I am not even going to break out the dictionary for 1/4 of your words in your post. UGH!

I experience a burning sensation in my shoulder blades, and it did seem to go away when I was taking Robaxin on a normal daily basis, but I stopped to see if the burning will return and you know what? It has returned, but it might be also because I am off my Humira. Ok... who am I kidding? It is not because I am off Humira, it is because I stopped taking the Robaxin.

Well, I hope you can find out why your thigh is burning. Please keep us posted.

Just wondering if this could be what you are experiencing?

I have pain on my hip/leg on the side. Sometimes my muscles on top of my leg get cramps. RA DOC said it's bursitis. It hurts from hip all the way down to knee. I would get it cked out by dr. I once got a shot of cortizone and it really helped me for weeks.

Could be a number of things. Just my experience.

 Best wishes to you

[QUOTE=joonie]Well, I hope you can find out why your thigh is burning. Please keep us posted.


LOL, thanks, Joonie! Sorry about the thesaurus words... it's the danger of being an English teacher. ;)

Hill and CinDee, thanks so much for weighing in. I don't have hip problems (so far), but it is on the same side as my bad knee, so I agree with you that it could all be related. At my first RD appt, I am going to stress that I had it before all of my joints started hurting just so it doesn't get tossed into the RA stuff.

Wow, don't you just love it when some new little ding in yoru body pops up?

As always, I really appreciate that you all took the time to respond. I hope everyone has a great weekend!



Hi drm, I have OA in my knees and because it's bone on bone I walk differently.  The muscles in my thighs burn and are very heavy and tight feeling.  I also have sciatica and fibro thrown into the mix. 

My RD just put me on Lyrica and it seems to be helping.  I've taken it for 3 days and have noticed a decrease in pain.  We'll see. 

You may be walking differently due to the knee problem and the thigh muscle is being used in an entirely different way. 

Just when we think that we've taken care of all of the little pains and twinges something new comes along, slaps us upside the head, and we have to start all over again.  I hate it.  Lindy
