monana!? | Arthritis Information


Where have you been? I got my paper cut by LinB, and I am no longer the first in line for the cure for RA.  I'm here children*raises hand and waves to everyone*l0l, I been soo busy today I just sat down to read and catch up! I see y'all have been bad again

Oh flashback to earlier this evening.... Hubby was opening up a can of biscuits and he told son to go out of the kitchen. I told son "Yeah before a biscuit comes flying outta the can and hits you in the eye." Yeah, I said that while Grandpa was sitting on the couch and to where he could hear me. I then shut the kitchen door and we laughed about it. Hehehe...

I'm here. My head is killing me.  But I'm here.


  AWW sorry Katydid, take something. Joonie and your biscuits


Yes mom. I took a flexeril, waiting for it to kick in to see what other drugs I'm in need of. 

Ok, I think the flyinf biscuit hit katie in the head and resulted in her not getting her eye knocked out, but a headache.

It's my hubby's fault... he should have opened that can-o-biscuits a little nicer.

You're gonna laugh at me, but I always scream when the biscuit can pops open...........


Speaking of biscuits.... My state is literally the laughing stock of minor league baseball. They are called the Montgomery Biscuits. Now there are some biscuits that can knock an eye out, a couple of teeth and land you in the hospital.


  If you girls would learn to make home made biscuits you wouldn't have to worry about poppin cans.(yuk). At least buy the frozen kind, they're just like home madeGravy! That's easy, you just open the packet and follow the directions!

Gravy is groovy, if someone else makes it

Oh and I can make gravy... it is called "just add water" and stir.

joonie39310.879537037Ok, I can also make gravytrain dog food. But my dogs are too picky they will not eat it.

  Does everybody see why we have to treat the youngus "special"? They are "special"

Moana, I just bought the frozen biscuits for the first time and were they every good.  Almost as good as my homemade ones.  I fixed sausage gravy and biscuits for breakfast.....yummy. 

You guys are all special

All of the biscuits and gravy talk is making me hungry. Yes I can make them myself from scratch. (okay not the sausage).

Yeah I'm hungry toooooo...........

Sorry guys, sausage gravy and biscuits sounds totally disgusting Bleech!

Yep, I'm a coffee drinking, diet coke sipping, vegetarian!  LOL

did you know sasuage and gravy comes in a can too?! I saw it at wal-mart! I thought about getting it, but I would be the only one eating it and I would have to eat it all, in order for me to feel like I did not waste money. It was .14 a can.I got myself a bowl of Corn Pops! Yummy!!

Thats a kid for ya.

Gale Starbucks sounds pretty good to.

Hahaha hey you know, usually I eat cereals like Corn flakes and Rasin Bran. This is an unusual choice for me.  Corn Pops and Pepsi cravings???  Hmmmm....

I had starbucks one time... and it was an iced something or other. Yeah, never again. And I like to drink coffee.

I have actually talked to my brother on the cellphone while he was in a drive-thru ordering 5 different types of coffee and it just sounded jibberish, like baby talk No, I'm not pregnant. Give it up. Well, my usual order is as follows: Venti, non-fat, sugar-free, 8 pump, no foam, vanilla latte. Heated to 190 degrees.What the hell ever happened to COFFEE? If/When I get coffee, I drink it with 2 scoops of sugar, and that's it. YUM. Waffle house has the best coffee, it's absolutely BLACK. Plain coffee is so yesterday! LOLYeah, she just got hit in the head too hard by the biscuit, but not hard enough to knock her eye out.

Ya know, I have stayed out of all the fighting and bickering, but this has just gone too far.  Now I'm pissed!

Do you know what a religious experience Sausage Biscuits and Gravy is for us southern folk?  Do you care that you have put down my beliefs?


Go git 'em Karen!!! I'm on your side. I love me some-a-them biscuits 'n' gravy!!!
Hillhoney... I was really upset when our Micky D's took sausage biscuits and gravy off their morning menu. Now... if you want SBG, you have to go to Hardees, and it always smells like ben-gay, depends, and idodine from all the old foogies that are piled in there having breakfast. Whataburger has THE BEST SBGs in the fast food business. Hands down.

Oh, apparently you don't have Biscuit World!   Yum

Or how about Bob Evans?  Thats good biscuits and gravy.

Who the hell is Bob Evans? And what's a Biscuit World??

YOU obviously don't have a good ol' southern Whataburger!!!
Is that "southern" Conneticut?And I do have to take issue with posers who would use a PACKET to make gravy.  Good golly Miss Molly!Jay, that deserves a high five!  Oh in Connecticut we have to practice our biscuit and gravy eating in secret.  It isn't accepted here.

Yep that was a good one, Jay

Ok, I cannot help that my Hubby HAS to have brown gravy on his white rice! And it HAS to be from a packet. I am making pretty good headway here, with him eating different foods, OH and him cooking the food too, that is a BIG PLUS. I do help, but yah know.


 The best southern gravy and biscuits are MINE


GRAVY FROM A PACKET, OOOMMMGGG.  We got to teach these youngins about southern cooking. 

Moana, Hillhoney, we need a sausage and gravy cook-off.

Oh, I can taste it now!



 Hey  Lin I can tell you and Hill right now ya'll don't stand a chance


Ok, I just realized I misspelled moana's name on the topic heading. I suck! I think I started with Mona, and went with monana. Hahahaa!!

Man, a cook-off! It can be called the "Cook-off of Gimps"... see who can make it to the end of their dish.

 AWW Joonie I thought you just being sweet and calling me Mo-Nana

Now I want fresh fried chicken with milk gravy for the potatoes. *drools down the front of shirt*

Mo Nana  Banana!

Jay, homemade cinnamon rolls is certainly an acceptable alternative.  Feel free to ship them my way!

Being a vegetarian for over 20 years, I TRULY don't understand this obsession you all have with sausage gravy and biscuits....especially for breakfast. Sounds more like something you'd eat for dinner!

And what the heck is milk gravy???

Oh, moana, it was meant to be Mo-Nana

*ears perk up* Did I hear potatoes and gravy?! *drools and waggles imaginary tail*


 We call that "white gravy" Jay. I make both. I sure do hate to burn the gravy though, That is really discusting. oh and I like fatback gravy better than sausage gravy

Fatback gravy is new to me I guess I never got far enough South. Do tell! 

Ok who eats gizzards & gravy?

Since you are a confirmed vegetarian, there's just no way you ever could understand the joy of gravy made from animal fat for us of the other faith. 

It's not the least bit healthy for us, but oh it's good for the soul.

[QUOTE=joonie]Ok who eats gizzards & gravy?

I might have why?

OH NO!! I would NEVER touch that stuff. If my life depended on me eating gizzards & gravy or dying.... I would choose to die.

No, it is on the KFC menu in town. It is very popular with older black folks, it seems and cheap too, I think it is the cheapest thing on the menu meal wise.

NO WAY! It's actually on the menu at KFC?

I have, but I don't really like gizzards. 

Who here has had squirrel gravy???

Alright Hillhoney, NOW you're crossing the line!Well squirrels don't have a lot of meat, so they are best when used for gravy!  MMM Good!It has been a long time ago Karen.

Ok.... no, to squirrel gravy unless it comes in a packet

I have been squirrel hunting and watched the squirrel taunt the shooter and took an hour or more before he got the squirrel, but he did end up with 3 squirrels in an hour. I think his plan was to make the squirrel think he was not after him, and shot his kin folk, instead.

 Joonie my dad ate the gizzad and liver (blekk) from every chicken mom fried. With gravy.

Jay fatback is the fat we use to season with in the south, Pinto beans, green beans, turnip green etc.. It is the fat off a pig right under the skin. Sliced and fried and the grease is used to make gravy. UUUHHMMMM!! Its dood to eat when fried real crisp. No I don't fix it much, so Brisen chill out

I have also had some delicious vegi spaghetti with broccoli, pepppers, squash and a varriety of spice. Very good.

There do you feel a little better.

I CAN'T chill out! You guys are totally grossing me out! Not only am I a vegetarian, but I was born and raised in California for crying out loud! We just don't DO squirrels or fatback in these here parts!How did you know I was eating cornbread? Yeah, I have cornbread for a snack, and was craving it. Pretty good. Want some?


  Hill where were you when I told all my "growing up on a farm" tales? I've eaten squirrel and gravy many times. Rabbit, deer, bear, racoon, you name it!!

Yes, Jay. At least I think you're 'semi' normal now!  LOL

I would love some cornbread - thanks Joonie!

Me I'm actually a Northerner *turns head looks both ways* from Minnesota

Your welcome, thanks to Martha White and it being in a packet LMAO!!


I am from cali, but my mom made weird food. She was born and raised in Ohio. So, her food was a little out there. I remember hating to eat her speghetti.

 UHMMM cornbread IN milk! Huddy likes cornbread in buttermilk, Shooo! I cook with it but can't drink it!

 Common Brisen we'll convert you yet

I just cooked up a bunch of bunnies for my son's birthday.  I tried about 5 different rabbit recipes at once.  It was awesome.

I have had mud turtle and possum, but didn't like the possum at all. 

Nope, not a veggie hippie. Just never liked meat...of any kind.

I'm actually a lacto-ovo vegetarian...not vegan.

San Bernadino/Orange County area. I liked in Lake Elsinore, Garden Grove, Highland, and a couple of other cities I do not remember.

Hey, Hubby swirvved to hit a coon a week or so back. He was trying to kill it on purpose. Told ya'll he was not right. He even tries to hit possum, so if ya need some good, fresh road kill, just ask my hubby to swirve for ya!

I remember that time he swirvved to hit a poor little bunny and hit it and was laughing about it. I am surprised he did not stop the car put it in reverse and run over it again.  He is pure evil. Good thing my kids take after me. [QUOTE=Brisen]

I'm actually a lacto-ovo vegetarian...not vegan.


Gale I'm from KY now so I need a little help.

Hill my mom cooked anything and everything for my dad. Turtle soup was one of his favorites. Baked rabbit was my favorite. Mom cooked a possum  but nobody ate it but dad, tooo greasy. Bear meat is really red and pretty greasy too. i don't remember the coon. salmon stew was a favorite too. Deer is ok if soaked overnight in vinegar and milk, gets the wild taste out. Deer stew is like beef stew. And steaks on the grill are good.


No Chickens or chicken fruit, no cows or cow juice -  Right Brisen?

OK, now I have to ask...what's chicken fruit?Well I got that wrong, didn't I?Eggs are chicken fruit!Well, yeah. 

(Katie and Joonie get your minds out of the gutter.)

 Brisen my daughter hates meat too but shes not a vegan, just doesn't like anything but chicken. I could live without meat but I gotta have my veggies cooked with meat seasonings and stuff or breaded and fried

 Wheres Katie, recon shes ok?

NO!!!! No birds in this diet. And I don't even eat eggs. But I will eat things that are cooked or baked with bread, cake, etc.

I like my eggs over-easy with lotsa pepper, and slightly crisp around the edges of the white and the yoke MUST not be broke and a slice of bread with butter to soak up the yoke after I burst it!

I cannot, I repeat CANNOT eat scrambled eggs! They just freak me out and I would rather poke a fork in my eye than eat scrambled eggs

Moana, did your family make fried salmon patties?  That's a favorite in WV.

Oh great! Now people are eating trans-sexuals.

Ya'll ever notice the little LOL smilie looks like a rabbit eating a carrot? Or like it is chewing on something? Look -->

  I like my eggs over medium, no runny white but runny yellow. With a crumbled up biscuit and gravy on top, with sweet oatmeal with lots of butter, bacon and/or sausage. Thats my idea of a perfect southern breakfast. I do NOT eat grits. Home fries with that too. Yum-ee

Hill, I have fried salmon patties a couple of times a month.  We love them.  I think I'd kill for a piece of country ham about now....

Oh the horrid memories of Salmon patties!! EWWW!!! I remember one time my mom MADE me eat salmon patties! I would vomit after that meal fo' sho'.  EWW!! Now I am going to have nightmares of the smiley chasing with salmon patties in hand and eating pac-balls!


Alrighty then!


 Hill, salmon patties are my hubby's favorite meal! He will eat half a dozen

They are so good, wish I had some right now! 


 Country ham is sooo good Lin but I thirst to death after eating it. My dad had a smoke house and cured his own ham. Mom and Pops don't hold a candle to his hams

 Joonie you are a nut

Talk to ya'll later. Do not have too much fun without me I'm going to hit the sack....tired puppy here.  Have a good night. Maybe I'll dream about country ham..LindyNight Joonie.  Don't let the smilies bite![QUOTE=RAJay]

Gale I was wondering if you eat the bird itself? I tought I have known people who go both ways.

(Katie and Joonie get your minds out of the gutter.)



^^^^^^^^^^^ That ^^^^^^^^^^^^

Goodnight all.

Karen you never miss a beat. "Don't let the smilies bite!" Too funny


 Ohhh I see

  NITE NITE Jay and Hill, I guess I'm the only night owl here. Ya'll just can't hang

 Well take a nap tomorrow so you won't be tired


 Hi Kiwi I'm still here catching up on todays posts. Are you still here?


 Our biscuits aren't sweet lika a cookie Kiwi, They're made of flour, shortening or lard, milk or buttermilk (the best) I use self rising flour that already has salt and baking powder in it. You use a pastry blender or two forks to mix the flour and shortrning together till it looks like coarse cornmeal. then you add liquid just enough to hold the dough together and mix . Will be stiff. then you scatter flour like for a pie and dump the dough on it. then you have to knead about 5 to 7 times, roll out to about 1/8 in 1/2in thick, and cut with cookie cutter or glass dipped in flour,place on ungreased baking pan and bake in a hot oven 450 degrees until golden brown, about 15  to 18 mins. I brush with melted butter after baking. They are wonderful with any meal. But especially with gravy

Oh yeah, grits are  real fine ground corn. Kind of like cream of wheat or risoto. A southern breakfast staple, but I don't like them I like oat meal.

MMMMMM..........Arent biscuits something you dunk in your coffee? Here on holiday in Cornwall they make the most yummy clotted cream shortbread biscuits ( and fudge) and ( ice cream)and ( cornish pasties) FOOD HEAVEN. While you are all in bed or having dinner I am just going for breakfast and I think the beach( it might rain) so maybe we might go to the Lost Gardens of Heligan or Landsend.

Ostrich is nice, especially if its spiced and hung up to dry

 No Pin our biscuits are not like short bread, or good with clotted cream and dunked in coffee. Read my description to Kiwi, you'll see

 You sound so British with your clotted cream and cornish pastries

 What is clotted cream, and you can keep the ostrich, unless you want to send me some ostrich skin boots Thanks Mona for clarifying that for me. Well, your biscuits sound just like what we would call scones.  Except we have them about 2-3 times the thickness, cut them horizontally and spread butter and jam, or jam & cream.  Lovely when warm out of the oven, or when cooled.

Usually eaten for morning or afternoon tea, or at Sunday night tea. Only good on the day, but freeze quite well too.  And they're nice toasted if you are lucky enough to have any over the next day.

Looks like the recipe is about the same, I also use the same recipe, rolled out quite thinly to make a base for pizza.

Several variations to the recipe can be, add  chopped dates - or sultana's - or cheese & onion.  Or spread cinnamon and chopped apple over the rolled out dough, then roll up and clut into slices for pinwheels.  All sorts.   I've never had them with gravy though.  Must try that.

I love reading about how what seems to be the same recipe gets treated in different countries, or even different parts of the same country.    Fascinating!  Thank You.

Holy crap.


There are 7 solid pages on here about southern cooking, 4 of which are about nothing but gravy.


That's gotta be some kind of a record......

 Instead of "Holy Crap" you should have said  "Good Gravy!"


Now THAT sounds good to me!  Apologies to the southerners but I don't really like white gravy.  Although I've been told that was because I've never had Good white gravy.

LOL Karen. Yeah, I should have.


Oh well, it's all gravy baby.

That is sausage, biscuits & gravy! YUMMY!! Oh it is from Hardee's BTW.

OMG Jeanne SCONES!! I miss scones :( *sniffles*

Did Mona start the talk of SBG on the other thread? Maybe it's MONA that causes all the food talk........



Let's blame it all on her....

 Katie don't start on me girl you'll get a whoopin

Well like I said, I took that Flexeril and it knocked me on my @$$!!! Oh, and I won't be around after 11pm my time today or tomorrow, because on Fridays and Saturdays Justin is off work, so we spend MUCHO time together those nights! :)


 Oh yeah just ditch us for Justin, see if we care....


LMAO I was trying to picture you bouncing him on your lap. hahaha


Pop some pills, kick back and relax! OH GOOD NEWS!! We got a wireless card for our laptop, so now I'll be able to sit in bed and chat with you all! Mwuahahahaha


 Yeah for the wireless

 Are you feelin better today? Flexeril kicks my butt so I try to only take it at time, gives me a hangover without all the fun

Wonder if Linncn is leaving us? I hope not that would be soooo sad

I put away 27 prs of shoes today and kept out 22 prs, 10 of them are all colored flip flops. I thought hubby was gonna croak


I understand COMPLETELY. LOL


I just soaked my hands in a sink full of HOT HOT water in the bathroom. It looks like I sunburned my PALMS. Haha but it felt SO GOOD.


I'm off work now, so I will chat with you folks tomorrow evening!!!

 All righty then, g/nite Katydid

How you be tonight?


 Tired as usual but not too bad. How bout you? I cleaned and did laundry and had company for awhile

Sorry you son isn't feeling well.  I hope you don't get it!

 Lol Hill, actually I had it first and didn't say anything. I have much better things to complain about than a sore throat

 Have you heard from Linncn? Seems her last post to Joonie was a goodbye. I hope not though. I pm'd her but havent heard anything back.

Yeah I saw that.  Don't know what it means.  It was a little ambiguous!


  Yes it was. I may be totally wrong about it, hope so anyway. I guess time will tell.

 What did you do today? Anything fun?? Find anymore ancestors

The book you have sounds like a treasure!  That is a wonderful thing to have.  And I love old photos.  Makes the people seem more real.

That's what is so amazing about the internet, it has allowed me to connect with cousins I didn't know I had, and exchange photos of our ancestors with. 


 oh it is so neat to see a relative that lived over 300 yrs ago, kind of weird though when you can see resemblenses of your present day family so clearly.

 Well I'm going to bed, no nap for me today darnnit. Have a good night all and Blessed watch that storm coming to Texas

Linncen goodby sounded rather ominous to me.  Not sure what's going on or what happened. 

Am going to be in a few and if I don't answer back tonight I will tomorrow.  Lindy 

My family is all from southern WV - Fayette, Raleigh and Wyoming Counties.

Nice to meet another hillbilly!

I tried to send you a PM but your box is full - time to do some housecleaning!


