illness not due to methotrexate | Arthritis Information


A few people asked about methotrexate and if I had a reaction to it.  It was not the methotrexate that made me so ill. After some testing, they determined it was something called gastroparesis. I hadn't heard of this before and haven't researched it yet (though my husband has, and he says it isn't related to RA, but could be a side effect of another drug I'm on called suboxone). I just wanted to reassure those taking methotrexate. Thanks for everyones concern. I really appreciate it. Love and hugs, Juliah JuliahRA39311.4179282407

Juliah, You gave us all quite a scare. Your hubby was kind enough to come here and update us on your hospitalization. Are you home now? I was hospitalized for 8 days last year for the same thing. They did oodles of tests, and to be honest, I don't remember much of it because I was so sick and out of it. I still  see my gastrointerologist periodically. What meds did they put you on? I am taking bentyl and imipramine.

Glad you're back! continue to feel better


Thanks Juliah for letting us know.  I was one of the concerned and I just wanted to clarify if it were MXT or not.  Hope the recovery continues and am happy to hear that they have a diagnosis.  Lindy

Deb, I'm sorry to hear of your struggles with gastroparesis and hospitalization. I hope you are doing better on the medication. I am taking reglan now, which is helping with the nausea and constant urge to throw up, but I've been SO tired and not sure if it's due to the medication or just from being so sick. Are you able to eat ok now? Keep your weight up? Take care. Love and hugs, Juliah

I'm glad you're doing better!! We got quite a little scare there for a couple of days!!!! Your hubby popped on and dropped us the info, and then we were REALLY worried!!



Julia, Are you feeling much better now? I sure hope so. I was also wondering if you have your strength back. As you know, many of us were very worried about you. I'm so glad to see you back and posting again.

Much love,


Glad to have you back!

So glad to hear you are better.


Dear Nini, yes, I'm slowly getting my strenth back, thank you for asking. Thank you to everyone for their well wishes. I truly do appreciate it. Love and hugs, Juliah

Juliah, hi. I'm new, and reading all of these side effects of medications that I'm not on yet is quite frightening.

I just wanted to let you know that I find it so very kind of you to take the time to reassure others during the difficult time you've been going through.

I wish you the best and hope you are better--

