A Public Thank You to Pip | Arthritis Information


Pip, I wanted to take some time today to acknowledge you and all the
help you've given me and others on this board. Your tireless research,
sharing of knowledge, and support were and continue to be an incredibly
valuable resource in my ongoing struggle to regain my health. Even
though we have different approaches to our therapies you have always
shown respect to me and others on this board with regards to our choices
and I value that.

I have personally seen the real and positive difference you've made in
some people's lives by helping them become aware and informed about
AP (such as Mark1, to give an example). I think this is particularly heroic
since many have not been told about it by their doctors and because
some people (for whatever unknown reason that I still can't for the life of
me fathom) have been so outspoken against either the therapy itself, or
talking about it.

I am still on MTX and Plaquenil along with AP (now down to 15mg MTX
and still okay!) but I have been keeping charts and I note a gradual but
progressive improvement. This week I played Frisbee, including the
running part, and 2 games of Bocce. I believe I'm slowly getting better,
and part of that is because of you and the knowledge you share with

I also want to say that after years of following mainstream and both right
wing and left wing alternative news sources that I share many of your
views about big pharmaceutical and marketing corporations. Please do
not stop posting your findings. Knowledge is power.

Thank you, Pip, for all your contributions.
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