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Hi guys

I'm back, 5 days without internet connection.... my mother really needs to get into the 21st century

Phew.... having to give your mum the 'family' talk, we were all petrified (mad we're 42, 40 and 37 respectively). My sister does a runner as soon as we get to the house and hides in the loo pleading 'upset tummy', so my brother and I take the bull (that's not a nice way to talk about my mother is it

I came home on Wednesday afternoon, hands and elbows screaming... I think the emotional drain had a lot to do with that and all I could think about was getting onto the board to see what you've all been up to...... guys 5 days reading just finished me off 

I havent started my Sulfa yet.... I decided to go for the CCP antibody test, had it done on my return and it takes 5 days to get the results back. Watch this space. My steroid injection has stopped working (it lasted 2 weeks so quite good), but this morning at 4.00am... I really knew about it. I think I was a permanent drip with steroid stuff in it

Stoopid and embarrassed to say this but I almost thought that this was me getting better (I know, I know.... ever hopeful). Back to earth with a bump and lots of swelling.

On a cheerful note, so glad to get back to my extended family.


Having that talk is always difficult especially if the person isn't ready to see that they have a problem with alcohol.  We had to do it with my grandfather many years ago.  After he stopped drinking we found out he was bipolar and the drinking was probably his form of self medicating.  I'm glad it went fairly well and that all of you got the chance to spend some quality time together.  It sounds like fun.

Sorry the meds have stopped working.  I will keep you in my thoughts and hope that you are feeling better soon.

Thanks Steph

The unnerving thing was that we expected her to go ballistic... and she didnt. We've been brought up encouraged to have opinions and be very open with our family. We're quite a noisy lot and when we all get together its heated but fun... if you know what I mean. Mother looked frail and old and our general concern is that if she doesnt take care of herself she's going to leave us prematurely. Having lost my step-father to alcohol when he was only 45.... we dont want the same thing to happen again, admittedly mother is 63, but that's still young.

Yes a bummer about the meds. Whats scary is that I'm an administrator, run an office and spend a lot of time at my computer doing reports and the accounts and I've only been back 2 days and my hands are feeling rotten. I'm hoping that when I get on the sulfa things will settle down and I can continue to do my job without this bloody annoying disease preventing me.

sarah - I am sorry, but glad it had a positive outcome. Sorry the meds are not working now. Hope you get on something else soon to help with the pain and swelling.

Hi Sarah. I grew up with an alcoholic father and my siblings and I had many of those sort of meetings. Not fun. He finally quit drinking almost 30 years ago. I hope your mom listens because you're right, 63 is young and you still need her!

I hope you feel better soon. I have lots of problems with my hands too. Hopefully your meds will work for you FAST!

Sarah, welcome back, good to hear from you.  What a week you had.  At least it sounds as if the intervention worked and you ended your trip on an upbeat note.  Must have felt so good to have some quality time with your mom and siblings.  I went through this many years ago with my dad but was unsuccessful.  I hope your mom continues toward recovery.  In this day and age 63 isn't old.  I'm 62 and I don't consider myself old.  63 in this day and age is more like 52.  No wonder your joints are screaming.  Hopefully, once you're settled back in your own home your body will quiet.  Take care.  Lindy

Thanks for your nice words guys.... this is what I missed when I was away. Had I been able to get online I'd have done a Pin, and checked in.

Mother thinks she's 30. Her first fall (no alcohol involved), happened because she was teetering around on 4 1/2 inch heels! She's a wee thing and likes to dress sexy... high heels have made a come back and she's always had a fettish about shoes. I agree totally, 63 is young, she's got a flat in Goa so we tried to focus on all the positive things and I had a lovely time doing 'girlie' stuff with her. When I left she felt loved and pampered. You cant buy that.

Goodness you've had quite the week haven't you???? Good to have you back, I'm glad the faimly meeting went well, things like that can be scary! Good luck to your mom!!!!

Wow, Sarah, talk about a rough task, that has to be incredibly hard.  But what a wonderful approach you guys took.  The spa time and pampering is a wonderful way to show your mom you care about her, and to push her to take better care of herself.

What a super set of kids she has!  Often times the most important things we do in our lives are also the most difficult.  You have all done the right thing, and I hope your mom is ready, and able, to change now.  At the very least, she knows how much she is loved and cared for by her kids.

My best wishes for all of you.



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