MTX | Arthritis Information


Does anyone know if there is a lifetime limit on how much mtx a person can take?  My surgeon mentioned that he thought there was.

I don't know, I haven't heard of that. I know cancer patients take mega amounts of MTX as compared to autoimmune patients. Then again, cancer patients don't use MTX as a long term maintainence therapy - but it's also unlikely that an autoimmune patient would take MTX for super extended periods (decades, etc).

dordale No, I havent heard thatI'll see my Rhuemy next Thursday, am going to ask then, I've been on 20mg fpr two years, the surgeon that did my lapband said that he thought there was a maximum that a person could take, so I'll have to ask next week. I see my GP tomorrow and I will ask him and see if he knows.  I have seen posts here where people have been on mtx for like 15 years and are doing well with it.  I certainly hope there is no limit because it really works for me.  Just hope my liver holds up.  Here is a handy link where patients rate their perscription drugs. This link is the mtx page. As you can see, many people have been taking mtx for well over a decade. MTX is one of those drugs that not that much is known about it, so you get all these conflicting opinions from different medical professionals. I think if the mtx is working you'd want to be on it for as long as possible. If your liver starts going whacky you must stop taking it, but when or if that will happen is anyone's guess,

The link me=METHOTREXATE%20SODIUM looks like my link doesn't work.
Here's the homepage to the site

You will have to enter "methotrexate" in the search box, then click "view ratings" to see what people have said.
I find this site really handy, actually...

I love the website~!  Thank you so much


Neat site! What a great idea.

I too wonder about your question. I'm 35 and have a long life planned ahead o f me. I'll be curious to see how long they advise.

Someone here's been on it about 15 years now.

I've been on mtx for 15 problems with it so far.  I believe the last 10 years have been at 25mg.   The only problem I've had so far has been the occasional low white blood cell count.  Then I go off for a couple of weeks until it goes back up.