new help for arthritris | Arthritis Information


New help for arthritus? Search the web for dnajp1. Comments please.

That is an interesting prospect. Unfortunately, it is still under development. It's not even in the FDA approval cycle yet.

Do the search on dnajp1. It is now named AT-001.

The drug company developing it is:

There's been earlier discussion about in this forum (found it when searching). Go to:

I'll ask my RA when I see him next.  He is at Scripps in La Jolla and maybe he knows what is going on in his backyard.  Sounds like it may be very interesting!

thats  one  thing that    sucks  the fda  ..

it takes  so much money  and  so long  to  do   anything  new  I  know you need   safety  but  time  is  not  on our  side  here.

13  years  or  something  for  a  new  drug...

makes you  wonder  if  we  will  ever  see  the  benefit  of  stem  cell or  genetic  research in our  lifetime.

If not  I  really hope  some  future  generation   can  look back  at these  things  and  say  how  sad  they   could not  fix  that.

I  had  heard  some  new  drug was  in the  works  that can  turn off  pain...  but  that  sounds  kinda   risky  because  how  would  you  know  if you were  getting  worse... on the  other  hand  if  someone  could  giv e  me  a  drug  that  turned  off  all my  pain  receptors  I  think  i  would  use  it.


humara  is trying  hard  to become  a     UC   drug  too...

actually  many  of  these  drugs  are   UC  drugs  also.

it's  just  to  bad  they  cant  find  that  drug  that  would  work  longer  than  a  few  months  for  most  of  you.



A UC drug? Am I that outa the loop? What is that? LoLuc   ulcerative  colitisOh good lord. My head was elsewhere. I do know what that is. Hahaha Thank you mark for bringing me out of my fog!

This sounds very promising.  Stupid FDA.  We are the only country that does this with new meds.  All those people who want their damn kickbacks instead of actually passing the drugs and helping people. 

I live in WI which is the pioneering center of stem cell research.  I am hoping that one of these days...we will get the benefits of stem cell. 

Not to stir the pot...BUT.....the format that this post was made in, could easily be mistaken for Spam. Funny how that works, isn't it?

I think the drug sounds great....for the most part. But all drugs will have side effects and risks. Heres to hoping the FDA sees it as a good thing!
Funny that levlarry chose not to respond to me here, yet he slams my opinions on two other threads. I'm just trying to make a point. That is all.

Miss Katie,

There is no mistaking this for spam. This is a real medicine that  should be going before the mean old nasty FDA. Now is such a great time for medical miracles. With the beginning of the understanding of dna and genetic make-up there is a very good chance that in the not too far future we will be cured of our disease.

Please keep in mind that it is not so much the big bad drug companies that find cures for diseases. It is the colleges and universities that find the cures and discover the meds. 

Our government gives billions to the university and colleges to find new cures and meds. They are real people that really want us to be better. They aren't looking to pick your pockets.

Miss Katie you sound kinda very negative. Believe it. People around the world are working very hard to make us better. It's coming soon. The cures that are on the verge is mind boggling. They are on the very close verge of a cure for diabetes. Imagine that. The cure for our disease is coming soon. Hang in there. Make the best of it. The government, the FDA and the drug companies are not conspiring to make our life miserable.

It wasn't too long ago Miss Katie, that people with RA were crippled and dis-figured. The drugs now aren't perfect and yep they have bad side effects but before i started taking the drugs that I hate taking, life wasn't ever fun. Good, bad or ugly the drugs give me function. They are better than what used to be. We all need to be apreciative of the new drugs. We have function.

Conjunction junction, what's your function?


Actually, if you re-read my post, I said I was very happy about this drug. It sounds great, minus the side effects. However - almost all drugs have side effects now, so that's to be expected.

I said the way that you posted this, with such LITTLE information (forcing us to look it up without any explanation) it COULD HAVE easily been mistaken for spam.

My point is that you cannot judge a book by it's cover. Spam, or otherwise.
I don't know how to link.Larry, I really don't have a problem with your position on spam.  We all come here with different points of view and from different backgrounds with the need to reach out to others who share problems similar to ours.  We come for friendship, support, assistance, knowledge, etc.  What we don't come here for is to be personally insulted.

The tone you have taken with Katie is very insulting and nasty.  This is not the place for that - there are plenty other forums you can go for that. 

Having a difference of opinion and stating your position is fine - this attitude is not.  Cut it out.
I'm really not trying to get anyone angry, or piss anyone off. It just seems that Spam is something thats such a hot issue, everyone is SOOOO opinionated over it, and yet we can't even fully define it. It should be talked about, and we should come to a general consensus of WHAT kind of spam actually upsets us, and what we feel is allowed. This isn't a moderated board, so we have to look out for each other. If we're all in a general agreement over what is spam, we can mark it for the new comers so they won't be duped. But we can't continue to argue over what is, and what isn't. That doesn't help anyone.

I'm going to be writing a blog about spam for the rasushi blog tomorrow, so if anyone is interested in hearing what the internet defines as spam, and how it got started, and how to stop it, then check out tomorrow Jan 2nd. Maybe it will help us learn how to look for it, and not be quite so upset when it happens. Because, well, it's gonna happen.


I find nothing nasty or insulting concerning my attitude toward Miss Katie. On the other hand, I find your attitude to be a little discoloured. Maybe your husband or significant other let you talk down to them like that. And I'm sure you talk down to your kids like that but listen here, I'm not your husband or significant other. You aren't my mommy and don't talk down on me. And you are right, I don't come here to be as you say "personally insulted". So cut it out.

Well I guess we can open that topic for discussion - perhaps I am wrong.  So how about it folks, do you feel that levlarry's postings directed toward Katie have been insulting and nasty?

If I am wrong, I will be happy to apologize.  How about you levlarry, are you willing to do the same?
I think the whole thing is just "heated".

I would rather see us talk about spam, and our opinions on what we should and should not allow on the forum.

Who wants to start? Please be nice.
Okay.... now you have insulted all of us Levlarry!  I read all the postings and I can't believe how nasty you were to Katie and Hillhoney.  They are both very positive and informative people.... and for you to come here and insult them, there just isn't any need for that.
I was happy to hear of the new drug that you mentioned, and as I look back, I think we all were very curious too.  I truly hope there is something to look forward to in the battle with RA.  We just don't need the insulting put downs from you. 
I am with Hillhoney and Katie... you do need to re-read this entire post, and then possibly ...if at all possible... apologize.

Whatever has happened to this once superior forum? It used to be so very helpgul and supportive but now seems to have degenerated into...well, a place of hate and abuse.

Perhaps a previously unrecorded side effect of RA now being witnessed is hysteria. That's how some of the recent posts have sounded. Totally out of control. Shame on some of you.

If you suffer from RA and/or related problems you'll do better if you turn your energies to helping yourself and others overcome.


Okay George Custanza,

Here's your apology. I apologize. Okay? Do I have to go to the naughty corner too?

You know what? This is the wrong forum for me.I came here for information. I came here for new hope. I came here for a rhuematoid arthritis forum.

Instead I get a forum that hates my government. A forum that hates the bush. A forum with people talking against the war that my country is involved in. The FDA is bad. The drug companies are bad. If somebody says good things about the above fore-mentioned, they are chastised by "the group".

To those that talk against the war that we are involved in. We are at war. You are the enemy with-in. You are the division. United we stand and devided we can fall. Which of you has top security information about the war, the goverment, world government that you can say right or wrong?

When I became sick the government agencies were extremely helpful, courteous and polite and did their job and are of great help to me. Of course waiting for five months for a decision is a long time but what's the choice, just giving it to everyone that applies. Of course all of us are legit but not everyone, no what I mean?

Don't mis-understand, I have complaints about the goverment. There are too many laws. I believe in justice and fairness for all. We should all be treated as if we were all senators. If police don't get tickets, we shouldn't get tickets. That's for another forum.

This is at least the wrong message board. I want to know about drugs on the horizon. I want to know how others felt prior to and at the onset of RA. I want to know if people took a certain pain pill prior to RA. I don't care about husbands and wifes and kitties named fluffy. I want a cure for my disease. I want to know why I have it. I want help for my disease and I want to help.

Concerning the spam: Hey, if i do a search for rhuematoid arthritis alternative I will find thousands of miracle cures. All I have to do is send .95 plus shipping and handling. As hard as it is to accept, we all know that there is no miracle cure. None the less, i sure did spend money on some of the products. Many people spend their food mony just hoping that this one will actually work. If there were a cure, we with RA would certainly know about it. When I do a search for spam, I deserve it. When I go to a free websight I know that they will have paid advertisement. But spam is spam. This one in particular is trying to sell a product that was probably developed because the members here give "good and free advise". They tell all that come knocking with joint paint to heat a sack of dried rice. These spammers just took our good members good advise and turned it into a product for sale. Think about. FREE or .95 PLUS SHIPPING AND HANDLING.

To the one that tried to put shame on others, I'm sure you didn't mean it. For all of us if we look close enough we all have reason.

After I became sick I would think why did I get this? What did I do to deserve it? After giving it some good thought, I realized, "Oh yeah, I deserve it, and I am very lucky that it isn't worse." If I were giving out the pain after considering my own life, I would have given me more.

So, there is your apology, George and then some. Good, bad or uglywise there it is.

Hey George, it's free.


 hey  larry,

  It's  to  bad   people  who  don't  agree  with you get you  so upset.  BUt as  far as  I  am concerned    I   am  glad  people  disagree  with  the  govt,  with  MR  bush  and     whatever   else  they  care  to  disagree  about. This  is a  free  country     what you  consider  a  war  many  consider  a    mistake  and  that  united  we  stand   divided  we  fall  .. To bad     I  am glad  that      people  disagree  Its  called  freedom    look it  up  sometime  .

as  for this   war       so  what  we  have  to  follow  the  leader  because  we    are  at  war...  I   dont  think  so    and  am  more  than glad  the  majority  of  the  nation  does  not  either.  Your in  the  minority  with your  blind  faith  but  thats  your   right  But   don't  come  on here  and  start  calling  us  the  enemy  within  because  we  dont  agree  with you.

we  have  to agree becaue  we  are  at  war...  LOL     call people  who  disagree   with  you  the  enemy  all you   wish  this is a  free  country  not  Iraq  get  over  it.  what  iraq   is  now  is  little  more  than a puppet  of  Tehran  and  that  happened  under  MR  bushs   watch   so  as  far  as  I  am concerned  America  is  far far  better  off  that people  disagree   with  mR  BUSh  than agree  with  him.

America  is  divided     yup  and  we  are  a  better   place  because  we  have  the  right  to  feel think  write  and  vote  as  we  please  we  don't have  to  blindly  follow  anyone  war  or  no  war. We have  the  right  to think  as   we please  and  if  it  does  not  agree   with  your  thoughts  thats  to  bad but  we  don't  have  to  agree  with  you  and  you  don't  have  to  agree   with  us  but  don't  come  here  and  call us  the  enemy  within  LOL.

 I hope  the  next  2 years  are  the  most  interesting  in mr  bush's  politicial  life  LOL  I  am glad  The  american  people  went  to  the polls  and  voted  for  a  change  in  direction  see   Americans   can still think  Independently  we  dont  follow  a  leader   war  or  no  war  and  thats  why  we  are  still  the  best  country  out  there.

  we  can  think  as  we  please  we  don't have  to  worry  about  the  local  death  squad  coming  to  the  neighborhood   and   american  goverment  works  best   divided  with  checks  and  balances  not  with  one  party  in power   as  far as  I  am  concerned  the  more   divided  the  better. That  way noone  majority  can push  an  agenda  on the people.I  hope   congress  stays  divided   for  the  next   30  years  I  hardly  want  to see one  party  in  control   ever  again.If  mr  bush  can't  learn  to  work   with   his  new   deal   for  the  next  2  years  I'll hardly  lose  any  sleep  over  it.  And  nope  I  hardly  support  the  dem  's  either  but I  am  sure  glad  the    congress  has  division  again  our  goverment  was  designed   to be  a  system of  checks  and  balances  not  a  rubber  stamp  for  one  mans  agenda.

But  to  call people  that  disagree with you  the  enemy  thats  all on  you  LOL. This  is  a  free  country  get  used   to  it.


I  would  believe you that  the  FDA  is not  so  bad  LOL  but  after  working  in  the  field  going  to  school in a medical profession  and   seeing  far  to many people  die  waiting  for  the  FDA  I  guess  my  view  may  be  different  than yours.


case  in point  I  had   eye  surgery  in Toronto  CA       why  because  my  American  doctor  said  hey  mark  let  me  be  honest  the  American  doc's  are   12  years  behind  the  Canadians  in this  surgery...  SO  they  insisted  I leave  the  good Ole  USA   when I  had  my  PRK   surgery.  SO  are  American  docs   good  at  lasek  and  such  now  yes  but  they were  not  back in  96  and  My   docs  blasted  the  FDA   heavily  back  then  saying  they were  slow,    a  burden  and  a     political  nightmare.

SO I  had   great  surgery  in Toronto  a  surgery  a  American  doc  could  only  dream of  doing  back  then.

The  Canadians  had  better  lasers  more  experience  and  had  done  thousands  of  procedures   where  the  American  docs  were  brand  new  just  learning  and  had  very  old  and  slow  lasers.  SO   safety  is  good  yes  but  The  FDA  does  hinder  progress  and   anyone  who  has  worked  in  medicine  knows  they   do.

Singapore  is  doing a   ton of   stem cell  research   research  bush  can't  touch  or  stop   and  many  of  the  worlds  best   researchers  and  scientests  are  moving  to   Singapore  and  India



Hey guys, can't we all just get along? Agree to disagee maybe?Seriously, though, levlarry, if you are interested in a site with good, scientific info about RA treatment and a great deal of success, check out You may also find a bit of big-pharm bashing, but most there feel that the blame lies with the docs who do not give their patients the option of a safe, clinically proven treatment.Hey levlarry-untie your panties from that knot. It might do wonders for your arthritic pain. (Sorry-I couldn't help it.)

I, too, sometimes get tired of all the ranting and irrelevent personal information but I simply move on to the next topic. Other times the ranting is just too entertaining and I can't help but respond.You might want to try OmegaXL Dr. Joseph P. Anello. Jr. MD Rheumatology & Internal Medicine. " I give Omega XL My Highest Recommendation" You can order free bottle, just pay for shipping.
Hope this helps.